How & why are fuses directional?!

Hi :slightly_smiling_face:

Linn’s description of Tune-Dem is not complete,.and bad in my opinion.

Most official descriptions are not complete,.and also difficult to understand.
I could never learn the method by reading these descriptions,…I don’t understand them.

As the recommendation is,.be with someone who demonstrates the method,.THEN,you will understand.
That’s how I learned from Linn’s then distributor in Sweden, Göran Rudling.

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Simon, you have nicely highlighted the fundamental problem with the concept of fuse directionality. In other words, since the fuse sees an alternating current then half the time the current is flowing through the fuse in one direction and in the other half of the time the current flows through the fuse in the opposite direction. This electrical “mirror symmetry” is not only true for the wire inside the fuse but applies to the entire fuse. Therefore, if fuses are directional, then the explanation cannot be electrical but must have some other cause, such as mechanical, as Simon suggests.

Were images of water flushing down loos clockwise and counterclockwise also going through your head at the time?


As much as I understand and sympathetic to @Peder very experienced and knowledgeable positions, I am reluctant to go all in and subscribe much like an Audiophile, Bibliophile, Anglophile, Xenophile and an Astrophile would.

Known as Clocking the platter. :thinking:

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Thank you for confirming that back and forth can be necessary with Tune Dem, which isn’t the impression I had from your earlier description. I don’t know if you also agree that results sometimes can be different with different types of music (e.g. which of two things might work best with, say, solo acoustic piano may be different with full scale organ, or simple acoustic ensemble, or complex orchestral, or electronica, etc., making it important to check with nit just one unless that is all a person may be interested in)?

Meanwhile, thank you for suggesting that I spend time trying to learn the method, however, aside from the huge challenge of finding someone to show me, as you now say is necessary, given the likely very small number of occasions when it will be necessary to consider changes to my system, it is probably not worth changing my present approach. And, after all, my way has got me to the system I have today, with only one poor choice in over 50 years of hifi - and that was the one and only thing I bought allowing a dealer to persuade me (and not hearing).

Hi :slightly_smiling_face:

It’s absolutely no problem :grin:
I usually say that…“it’s the passionate lunatics that drive development forward”.

I think it is in one’s (my) DNA, to constantly look ahead, be curious, want to try and develop.
Then I have the privilege of having many knowledgeable people to share experiences with, who contribute with their knowledge.
Hifi constructors are part of the circuit (which is even crazier :grin:).

BUT,.I ALWAYS prioritize the musical performance/message.
Is as far from an audiophile as you can get.
An audiophile listens for hifi-parameters (according to me),.I, and I hope most people here when it comes to Naim, listen for musical parameters.

It is good to raise questions like this in the installation and optimization of music-systems,.then everyone knows what is possible…
Then it is up to each person whether they want to “take their system further or not”.

In conclusion,.I also started with headphones in the summer of 2016.
It has been an exciting and wonderful journey,.to start with something new and unknown with the knowledge I have received over the years.

Now in the spring 2024 I’ve gotten to the point where I can honestly say it’s playing “More Than Fantastic”
But it has been…
• tests
• evaluations
• comparisons
…etc in absurdum.

You don’t get anything for free,.but it’s been a lot of fun the whole time.
And who knows,.the result of this thread might be that…Someone Tries To Flip Their Fuse :sunglasses: :grin:

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Hi :smiley:
ABSOLUTELY NOT,.you should go by the parameters I described above…
Then there will be the same positive result regardless of the music.

However,.I always have some well-known reference songs, but these are always replaced after a while.

If you listen to a solo voice , you will know if the voice sounds real and natural or not. But it won’t tell you if the bass is extended, the prat right, the placement of instruments correct….
When I try to evaluate components at dealer place, or at home, I always try to listen to different kind of music, voices, piano, rock, jazz….
I am surprised the tune method doesn’t require that.

Yeh, giving me a headache. :grin:



Really completely unnecessary comments,which I myself would never dream of being able to write.
If you are not interested in a subject,.or a thread, there is absolutely no reason to force yourself to read it…or what…!!

Have a nice Tuesday evening

With due respect, this has nothing to do with you.

I find the subject here rather confusing (though I am trying to understand).

Of course, you are free to jump to the conclusion that my post was about you. However, that says more about you personally than it does my post.

Have a nice Tune Dem.

I think we should all remember that you should not feed a troll.


On a serious note, for a moment. I can see that fuses themselves could be important to quality of performance.
They are designed to be the weakest part of the system, in that they should fail first if the current is exceeded. If the fuse is designed to let though much more current than designated, then you have the unit protecting the fuse. My probably, flawed thinking, is that a good fuse should let through 100% of its designated current and then fail suddenly. Probably a difficult thing to design.

I now understand why I don’t write here much anymore.

Better to share knowledge and experience in places where you meet those with similar experiences.
BUT,.my approach is to share experiences that others can benefit from, that’s how I learn from others all the time.

ALSO,.since I use the same nickname in all places on the “net”, I have received many positive PMs regarding this…
So,.I don’t care that some people don’t want to be serious

Have a nice evening…

PS: @Richard.Dane Do you think certain posts are acceptable.?


No, and I’ve removed those that are definitely not acceptable. A reminder here from the platform FAQ…

Be Agreeable, Even When You Disagree

You may wish to respond to something by disagreeing with it. That’s fine. But remember to criticize ideas, not people. Please avoid:

  • Name-calling
  • Ad hominem attacks
  • Responding to a post’s tone instead of its actual content
  • Knee-jerk contradiction

Instead, provide reasoned counter-arguments that improve the conversation.


It does look fake when compared to the ones on various electrical websites.

I must admit that I’d be more concerned with it working correctly, if ever required, then which direction it is installed in.



@frenchrooster I shall toast you with a bottle of Champagne to this weekend, to honour our rare concordance!

Meanwhile it seems I must have missed a degeneration if the thread - yet it all seemed quite even-tempered last time I looked


We agree here . It’s not always, I agree too :grin:
But Peder himself wrote that the tune dem method as described in Linn site is not accurate.
So finally there’s no real discordance.


This was a photo sent by Audioquest and not my own.