Iconic album covers. What’s your favourite?

It was, as a special edition. It was a prized possession as a teenager!

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I see what you mean a lot more prolific than I first thought and they seem to go for a considerable amount of money in some cases.
I think I’ll hang on to my smallish album collection that has his work on the cover you never know!!!

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I have quite a few favourites, here’s one of them:

Will go play the album now because the sun is shinin’ in the sky, there ain’t a cloud in sight, it’s stopped rainin’ everybody’s in the play and don’t you know it’s a beautiful new day, hey hey… :sun_with_face:


Groot !!!

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A couple more for consideration…

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That’s certainly an unusual sleeve on the Fragile album. Compare it with the image contained in @GeoffC’s post #88, which I believe is the original.



Good point, it’s not luck actually. It’s just fortunately with more enjoyable gear its easier to listen to and you tend to get sucked in to other genres. Like FZ said, the are only 2 types of music. Good and bad.

No matter how much better the gear is, there is nothing I find to like in some genres (e.g jazz, soul, out-and-out pop, rap). That doesn’t mean there can’t be the occasional likeable thing, but usually only on the fringe of such genres - and attempting to listen to lots to find an odd likeable one is painful! Defining music as only two kinds, good or bad, means to my mind these are simply bad! However given that other people love them, but may in turn hate music I love tells me there is only music, not good and bad music, and it is simply a matter of taste, some people having better taste than others!

Hawkwind in search of space. The photos on the last picture. When I was 16 I had just started work at a printing company and a day trip to London was arranged to visit a print exhibition at Earl’s Court. Another lad and I bunked off and went down portobello road. At the bottom of the road underneath the flyover a group was playing a protest gig against the rent act billed as Pinkwind.(pink fairies and hawkwind. These photos were taken at that gig and you see pictures of policemen trying to stop it. I was somewhere in the crowd.
Julie Driscoll and Brian Auger were there the week before.


Hawkwind ln search of space

My favourite Hawkwind track “The Golden Void” is on this album: Warrior On The Edge Of Time".

Yes - I’m not sure where I got that image!

Going through my album collection and I’m surprised this has not featured earlier

Nirvana - Never Mind

An iconic album cover if ever there was one


It has - see post #36.


I read a few years ago that the kid in that shot (now grown up) felt like it was exploitation. I’m paraphrasing, but he definitely had some negative emotions about it.

I’ve always thought that if you didn’t know the band at all, you’d be very surprised at the style of music, given that album cover and the name of the band.

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Always this one, for me.