Impressions of the Chord Qutest DAC

Came to the same conclusions, a few years back, when compared these two items. ( Maybe a reason why Naim ended the nDAC ). Anyway, think the Qutest great value and might still find a use for one in our house.

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Heard it last week with BluSound Node X, fed with Chord Shawline interconnects into a Nait 50, wonderful sound and very seductive.


Please let us know your impressions when you do.


I wonder if the Qutest with my cheap Panasonic DVD player could be the all time veritable bargain?


I will.

These things are frequently a moment in time impression. For instance, for the last couple of months I have been using a Chord 2go/2yu streamer, via an Audio Quest Diamond Coax.

Due to another requirement I have switched to a Sonore ultraRendu, necessarily via USB.

When I last used this is was powered by an Uptone Audio SMPS, as designed by John Swenson.

A few months ago I bought a Ferrum Hypsos, this was to power the Weiss 204; which it did very nicely. Having bought it I thought I would try it on my Chord M-Scaler, and there it stayed. At that point I had been thinking of selling the M-Scaler, now it is remaining.

The M-Scaler had been powered by a Krisdona Battery. I preferred this to the supplied SMPS. As it was now free I have plugged it into the ultaRendu at 8.4V - very nice. Be interesting to compare it to the Chord pairing in due course.

The point of this is that there is no clear baseline!

Another change last week was to replace the cables that connected my Icon 4 passive pre to the Naim 300DR, with Vertere Redline. VERY nice.

As a result I have never had better performance from the Qutest.

But, the Weiss 204 is better. The sound-staging has greater depth. The bass has greater clarity and impact.

How one writes these things can make them sound like a minor inflection or a gulf. I think these are BOTH true at the same time.

When I actually put the Weiss back in I’ll do a few listening notes and post them.




Interesting to know that the Qutest generally gets a thumbs up here.


The other DAC that I think still sounds and performs incredibly is the Hugo (original). I use that outside my main hifi system now, but every so often bring it… and it sounds gorgeous, yes compared to the DAVE which I now use, it’s not at the same level of revelation, transparency, micro dynamics and insight… but performs incredibly well, and was the first DAC I owned that offered that ‘Mandelbrot’ effect when listening… which I have been addicted to ever since.
Sure the frequency extremes of the Hugo are a little softened, but that does make it very easy to get along with in different systems. Back in the day I did replace my nDAC/555PS out for the Hugo… and apart from low bass push, I felt the Hugo bettered all around in terms of musical enjoyment.

For me the three best DACs I have heard and enjoyed from Chord Electronics (fed by Naim electronics) are, and I think I have listened to them all, in descending order.

Hugo (original)
Hugo 2

But since the Hugo, they have all tended to sound rather good.


Difficult question maybe, how would you personally say the NDX2 and Hugo mk1 compare? Having slightly more than hypothetical thoughts about the CD player trade in deal; CD5 into Naim, sell Hugo mk1, towards a NDX2. I currently run a Primare NP5 as a streamer into the Hugo. It all sounds great right now, but I’m sure I would appreciate the better user experience of the NDX2 at least. FWIW I auditioned a ND5XS2 vs Hugo in my own system a while back, and categorically preferred the Hugo. Totally understand if it’s difficult to say for any reason though!

I have thought for a while that NDX2 and my Technics TT would be as far as I’d go source wise. Hugo TT2 being the chord option I ought to audition.

Edit: had second thoughts about adding to this thread with the above, and did a search, obviously found lots of posts about the above! Happy with what I found :slight_smile:

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Well I feed my Hugo when in my hifi system with the NDX2.
If you referring to the inbuilt DAC of the NDX2, then to my ears the Hugo is well ahead, by comparison the NDX2 analogue audio sounds a little warmly coloured and less insightful and transparent. Though the NDX2 has a pleasing audio output character, it’s not the sort of presentation that does it for me for immersive sessions where I feel I am listening to the recording as opposed to the replay system.


I never heard the Hugo, and remembering back to THAT thread, there were assertions that Chord had updated it mid-run, perhaps losing a tad of the magic.

I still use a Hugo TT in my nearfield system, at least some of the time. Damned good.

The MScaler/Qutest proved very difficult to move on from.

The TT2 WAS better, but not universally. The Qutest resolved a bit more detail. So, I decided to wait for the Dave to fall to a cheaper cost; but Chord stuck, very commendable, and frustrating!

In the meanwhile the Weiss 204 came out, and works brilliantly in my system. Even with the MScaler labotomised to 192/24.

I am currently lying here I bed to my Mojo/poly while I type. Damned good combo, esp via my Meze 109pro.

The Mojo2 is a nice step up via its usb input, using my laptop. As good as the mojo/poly; If not quiet as portable :smiley:

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Yeah I can’t remember any discussion about Chord secretly changing the Hugo whilst in production… that sounds like one from the conspiracists. They did publicly adjust the spacing around the phono plugs fairly early on to offer better flexibility with different leads. My Hugo is one with increased spacing.

I did the think the original TT which was essentially a Hugo with larger capacitors and batteries lost some of the magic.
The TT2 I felt was good, but excelled as a headphone DAC… it really was very impressive, and notched up with the mscaler.
I think in an amp chain the TT2 was less inspiring, but the Hugo 2 was good here, and I liked its presentation… it kind of extended the soften extremes of the original Hugo… but perhaps didn’t quite have that original bubbliness.

The DAVE was a funny one… clearly a major step up, it was wonderful with my 252DR, but I was never bowled over with my 552DR… there was a non synergy somewhere… I sold up my Naim amps, and wondered off to non Naim land for a while … however I came back to Naim with aplomb with the Nait50… and that with the DAVE is just ridiculously universally good and enjoyable… you feel like saying where have you been all these years… so yes very satisfied at the moment and have been for the last 8 months of N50 ownership.

When it comes to USB headphone DACs, I think the Audioquest Dragonfly Cobalt is rather good… I enjoy playing from my iPad into Cobalt DAC into my Little Dot 3 headphone amp with rolled valves… into my Sennheisers or Mezes and very good it performs too.


Is the cat still around?

The reading is really interesting and I have some questions. Right now Ndx2 never convinced me to abandon my ndac. I’m interested in a dac in hifi system not for headphones. In your list you didn’t mention qutest, do you feel it really behind the hugo2? In an hifi system, excluding the Dave what would be your choice? How do you compare chord and naim in PRaT ?

Mr. Glow are you in the USA ?

Hi, I have not had a Qutest at home to compare, I have listened to one at an event … from memory I would say there some similarities with the Hugo2… I suspect you will find the air, presence, detail and soundstage more convincing with the Qutest, but less weight, mid forward and ‘dirty’ organicness than the NDAC/xPS.
You need to try and borrow… system synergy and room are pretty key here… not to mention taste.
In a system without DAVE, I would seriously consider Hugo 2… not least as I would use the remote for my Nait50.
PRaT to me is about low phase distortion, and micro dynamics … most quality DACs manage this well, the key bit here would be the speakers, room and amplifier… for me PRaT is not about tonal balance… its about lack of smearing.

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Interesting project….

If you already have the Hugo, as external DAC, then maybe look at Innous Pulse too. Streaming transport only, It’s a viable alternative to the options mentioned. Sounds great, compared.

Good luck

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That is interesting! I have to say I hadn’t thought about upgrading the streamer. My own preconceptions probably at play there. Thanks for the suggestion… which honestly isn’t to dismiss it! I had a bit of a search, and it reminded me these things should be done after consideration, and not just because there’s a deal on. I think if I was convinced the NDX2 was for me then the current deal would certainly enable that. But I’m not ready just yet, and likely need to keep my wallet closed and do some auditions (including streamers) :slight_smile:

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If you are auditioning streamers take a listen to the Auralic range. I run three of theirs in different rooms and the Aries G1 ( now 1.1) works well with my qutest.


Sure. All makes sense.

The current trade in programme is a fair deal and maybe the right thing for Naim to do right in this moment now, ( given context of legacy CDP’s and long term serviceability, etc, etc ). If you fancy a deal on trading your CD5 for an NDX2, go for it. You can’t go wrong. The NDX2 is a brilliant item, which I have listened to countless times and weighed for myself.

However, when I read your post, your thought - musing - my brain immediately went into gear considering SQ and VFM on that idea…

Trading your CD5 for NDX2 might cost you maybe four and a half K.
For two and a half K, consider the Pulse instead, as a VFM option.
Less money, maybe even subjective about the SQ, go listen and decide for yourself.
For CD’s, go long with your CD5 until it shuffles off to CDP heaven. Then maybe add a capable CD transport - in that future situation - if you still wish to spin a CD from time to time. ( For example AudioLab CDT 9000 at c£900 ish, seems to be favoured by others that have gone through the same loop past year or so ).

Having said that, in the same scenario - last summer - we went for the ND5 XS2.
Two keys reason : (a) aesthetics, keeping it all same with other Naim boxes we have ; (b) price, we were offered a great deal on the Naim item, so much so difficult to decline. (Also worth mentioning we already had nDAC - as external DAC - in the house too).
So, can hardly say I always follow my own objective finding here LOL :joy:

However, the Innous Pulse is the better streamer, ( streaming transport only) compared.
So there you go…
We all do different things, for reasons that are often very personal to us, at the time we make the decisions.

All things being equal, might have been persuaded to go with the Pulse. It’s that good.
With the Pulse, suspect with a capable external DAC (such as Hugo) it might even match the NDX2, or even be close enough.

Another factor to consider is the UI for such things. With Innous pieces you get Sense UI, which is very well thought through indeed. IMHO much better than Naim App’, which is okay.
On UI, my experience and opinion would be Naim App is great, Sense is better, Roon is best.

The point is, with a Hugo in the house ( which is such a nice external DAC ) maybe gives you a different perspective or start point on what happens next.

As you suggest, go and have a look and listen to a few options.
Maybe have some fun along the way. ( As this hobby is supposed to be a pleasure ).
Just chatting. Hope that adds something useful and Good luck.


One huge factor that can’t go unmentioned is that taste plays a big part in whether someone thinks a Chord DAC is better than a Naim one (within a similar range). I’ve personally owned many Chord DACs and while I like them and respect what they do, I always go back to a Naim source. I love what Naim does with their sources. To me, they sound more natural, while Chord sounds a bit synthetic.