Interconnects for Marantz SA12SE SACD player DAC

The HDMI extractor I have has the HDMI input connected to the HDMI audio output on the Bluray player, then a coaxial output to the ND555. That works with hi-res audio from Blu-ray’s.

The Bluray player doesn’t have a DAC but plays SACD - presumably through the HDMI outputs - I need to check the specs. The HDMI extractor works with “all known audio types”, so I assume this setup would work. I may just have to buy a SACD to give it a go?

Hi Dan
Have you got the silvers yet. :+1:t2:

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Unfortunately not. Having to cancel the order as seller has not sent them! Ebay protection and all.

But CD player sounding great through ND555 as DAC.

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You missed a good trick there even a cheapo set would be obvious.
Listen for yourself.

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It’s a work in progress. Waiting for a refund first off. I play analogue and digital with the Marantz.

Have found an old set of rca to rca leads. Just plugged them in! See how they compare to rca to din.

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Try Cymbiosis Dan, they have an online store. Wayne will help you out I’m sure.

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I got my refund back on the bay over the Linn Silvers.

Decided to get Atlas Equator RCAs for £30. Used but apparently brand new, just tested.

I have tried some cheaper RCAs vs the RCA to Din flashback cable and heard no difference tbh.

I await their delivery and will report back.

The Marantz is mainly been used into DAC of ND555 and sounds sublime.

But for SACD playback I need the analogue cables.

I must say since my LP12 has been away for tonearm repair I am making full use of the Marantz SA12SE.

It is a stunning piece of kit and for £1600 new (half price), I cannot fault it.

The DAC into streamer is very good with Limetree Bridge too. I am not using it that way any longer but it shows you how good the Marantz is.


I’ve not tried the Equators but have had various Atlas bits higher up their scale. Never been unhappy with them.

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For £30 it’s worth a punt. Like I say it’s normally used digitally anyhow.

Atlas RCA to RCA cables are now in and sound better than the RCA to Din flashback cable. More detailed and more slam! A good buy for £30. Job done.


You should be a hifi dealer, mine used to sell from his home.

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Thanks @Gazza . I’ve certainly built up alot of knowledge, skills and experience.

I didn’t want to spend a fortune on the RCAs. Maximum effect for minimal outlay was remit.


Pity about the silvers I’ve got them on everything.
I’m glad you found what I did and it didn’t need to spend silly money to try.


yes the silvers are a great cable, they were better than the atlas for me (a while ago now).


I tried with standard interconnects and it sounded no different. The Atlas cables retail at around £150 new. So for £30 it has provided a considerable uplift.

For me, at this moment in time I will leave it be.

I got my money back from ebay after a bit of rigmarole!


Just enjoy the tunes now.
Stop looking and just listen. :+1:t2:


It sounds so much better with decent cables. Listening to SACDs. It’s showing me just how good the Marantz is using analogue.


Terrible man… I have some lavenders… sound fine to me. Now making me think I should try something…

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Linn Silvers RCA
Sshhhh……. :shushing_face:


Got these SACDs the other day. Blows any other source out of the water

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