The final series of the shield was superb. As for the final episode, wow! Shocking and brutal ending! Great tv
The final series of the shield was superb. As for the final episode, wow! Shocking and brutal ending! Great tv
Started watching “Prime Target” on AppleTV+ this evening. Intriguing watch so far and enjoyable.
We started watching it last night as well, pretty good so far.
O j Simpson trial - new on Netflix. Intriguing.
Mo (Netflix) - warm at times quite poinent comedy about a Palastinen refugee living in the USA. Recommend.
Went through latest 4 episodes of Wister last night. Involving, though, as ever, hardly a barrel of laughs for a Saturday night!
Our son could tell us much during the filming as he signed NDA, all the Maths is his work on the story line, nice article in The Times last Saturday on him and the work he did on series, proud parents
Paradise on Disney+.
US President gets murdered and not saying anything else as it would a spoiler.
Not fast paced but so far highly intriguing.
Do you have a link to this?
it will be pay walled
We have been watching a 2019 BBC production, Mother Father Son over the last week or so. We haven’t come to the end yet but I find it outstanding. Richard Gere is a lead character as the Father of the title and reportedly said that the production took as long as two feature films for him and he didn’t much like the slow process. However I think he has always appeared as pretty much cardboard cut out, cliched characters. In this he is made to work and he performs the best I have seen him. Alongside Helen McCrory as his ex wife, and Billy Howle with another outstanding performance as their monstrous son we are really enjoying it. It works on many levels, ostensibly a story about the relationship between the three protagonist of the title, following an accident, it examines the relationship between power and control, the acceptance of control for personal ease or gain, and the giving up of personal responsibility for actions that can be ‘blamed’ on others. I don’t know how it ends but the writing is just so good I’m hoping it doesn’t fizzle out.
Mrs Bruss and I have never disagreed about anything so much as the threads brought out by this, a mere TV program. Must be good to do that.
Oh it is a bit hard to get into for the first episode and a half ( of 8) as they establish the background but it’s worth persevering with.
But wouldn’t click on a Murdoch link anyway, good luck
Can’t recommend LandMan enough if you like Billy Bob Thornton then it’s a must, great supporting cast with Jon Hamm and Demi Moore
C4 Walter Presents The Day - a taut, gritty often breathless Belgian hostage drama over a whopping 12 episodes. Bear with it - alternate inside and outside episodes, subplots and maguffins galore and a clever last two minutes over the credits.
BBC - Art of America. Excellent.
The Dark Side Of The Ring - the Dynamite Kid , scary stuff , most certainly this documentary glossed over the effects of “Roid Rage” and perhaps also more seriously glossed over the role of promoters who wanted a certain type pf physique .
Tommy Billigton, along with a couple of other British wrestlers Jones , Rocco with some Japanese wrestlers such as Fuji Yamada and Satoru Sayama set the style for much of what is so blatantly scripted and much inferior today .
I saw Rocco and Jones several times and they gave their all
I really enjoyed Hacks on Now TV. Very funny but with some emotional depth.
Thoroughly enjoying Landman, shown here in the UK on Paramount+. Billy Bob Thornton is tremendous as the lead character, battling his day job managing difficult employees, a beautiful ex wife who wants to get back together again and a testing teenage daughter.
Unforgotten series 6 is very watchable.