Internet speed question

It’s not for me to prove anything I have not made a an unsubstantiated claim. All it requires is an IMO at the beginning and we are all golden.

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Hmmm prove it you say. Well that’s a fairly complex matter that would take my investing and learning to use some pretty sophisticated kit that I would have no further use for. So thank you, but no, I’m not the guy to prove it. But all is not lost because we do have people involved in measuring exactly what you need. These are the high-end DAC, server and streamer manufacturers….they hear differences between the same product installed at different sites and being good manufacturers and engineers they investigate what is causing the difference and whether the cause of the difference is detrimental. They then develop countermeasures and test those. These manufacturers are constantly looking into the effects of noise, jitter, errors, latency, inaccurate timing, buffer sizes etc and they develop methods to reduce and mitigate their effect. One manufacturer will soon release their own router, switch and ethernet card in order to get control of the huge network variable. But those aren’t the only way those artefacts can be removed. In digital the stream can be refined, filtered, retimed and measures can be taken to minimize timing errors, reduce EMI ingress, cable losses, losses to resonant vibration etc. along the network. You can provide the network with SoTA DC supplies and it will reward greatly in terms of SQ. The network can be managed and noisy traffic minimized, it can include excellent isolation from noisy sources, it can include multiple clean up and retiming steps, all to the benefit of SQ if implemented correctly The network is an active system that can be built and designed to improve the overall quality of the digital stream. This isnt vague, woolly claims. There is kit on the market designed specifically to improve the quality of the network feed by refining and eventually producing a very close to perfect feed to the DAC. The perfection of that feed matters. If you believe that as long as there’s a ‘bit-perfect’ stream you’re ok, you really are out of touch. Bit perfect only refers to the content, but says nothing about its quality of construction, level of mistiming or level of contamination. In hi-fi there’s a golden rule that I’ve yet to see violated and that is; ‘the better the quality of the input the better the quality of the output. Its how improvements flow through the network. If I improve the router input then its output to a bridge improves therefore the bridge’s output improves, which improves the input to the switch and so on. If the network is arranged as a series of improvements, then every step of the way improves the quality of the signal. That means that in the right network, an improvement at the router will ‘compound’ as it passes through all the other modules. The bottom line is, the better the quality of the DACs input, the better its output and the network is the perfect tool to refine that incoming data stream in whatever the chosen format.

So no evidence then that’s fine. Just put IMO at the top of your posts and we are all good.


Will this quality network be able to add paragraphs?


Sorry I asked……
My new nd555 is sounding amazing with the 75mb’s

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No, it is an interesting question.

Best I add an IMO here to avoid triggering the pitchforks :slight_smile:


Not that complex imho. Just get an oscilloscope and hook up the spdif output from the NDX (or whatever streamer you have) to it. Now analyze the noise in the digital signal you see there. Make the changes in the network (cables,switches or whatever) and analyze again. Significant change? Congrats,you’ve just proven you are right. No significant change? Admit defeat.

I had less than 100MB speed for years and didn’t have any problems with streaming or watching movies. If you’re not having issues currently I wouldn’t expect to notice any improvement by increasing your speed.

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