Investment and Pensions Ideas and Information

What’s this one?

You’re fine!

Just look up topics like “UK debt crisis”, “Sterling slide” or “Britain’s Bond Turmoil Invokes Memory of 1976 Debt Crisis” is quite a good one.

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That’s somewhere with relatively good news for a change :slightly_smiling_face:

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No, very poor performer. The country is broke, though some say the level of Kiwisaver savings will turn the economy around, but we are in a right mess. Best look to Australia and the US.

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Ah yes, don’t invest in the UK obviously. Same structural issues as NZ, decades of spending above affordability and no plan to fix it.

A common theme on many welfare states. But, there is a shift occurring worldwide now, which just might start to rebalance things.

Sorry to hear that, Mike.

I’ve had many great friends who are kiwis over the years, and my wife’s parents’ families have got Kiwi branches.

My wife once spent a year in New Zealand, and my wife and I went to New Zealand for our honeymoon.

I came quite close to buying a house in Auckland at that time.

Right now, I wish I’d done that.


Modern Monetary Theory needs consigning to the bin IMHO. ‘Affordability’ tests based on interest cover only (and this isn’t happening of course when sizeable deficits are being run) is a massively failed concept. All this, and central bank interventions have done, is created an illusion of false wealth (and allied living standards). We’ve borrowed horribly long to ‘live short’.

…and the shocker is that the slavish economists say a deficit shouldn’t be materially cut back as the multiplier effects will create a recession, absent other strong growth factors being present (when was that exactly!).

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This again appears to be creeping into political territory. I would remind members that any political discussion, including geopolitics, economic policy, or mention of politicians or parties, is not wanted in here. Thanks.

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What can a rational investor 10yrs from retirement do about these daily news articles?
It feels that if you react to everything you likely end up harming your long term growth.

Take some advice if you’re not sure…

Depends on your personal finances, circumstances and objectives.

[The options are do nothing, sell, or buy. :grinning:]

Being 10 years from retirement doesn’t mean news stories and the need to manage money will go away at retirement.

Because you could live 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 decades or more post-retirement, and you’ll need to have a way to manage your money then as much as now.

I’m a decade ahead of you and I’m taking a much closer interest in personal finance than ever before.

E. g. you might have a DC pension pot that you don’t cash in at retirement, but just leave it on for years or decades if you don’t immediately need it.

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It was perhaps more rhetorical.

I’m not sure anyone with a 10yr view can take any meaningful action. You simply end up chasing your tail, reacting after the event.

But obviously, congratulations to anyone who can time these financial events well.

I’m not sure that’s possible unless you have good, non-public information, which is insider trading.

Like if you have knowledge of relevant public policy changes in advance of markets and the media and can trade on that info before markets react.

I used to use this lady, but since she died a couple of years ago, I’m lost.



Wot, the Scottish?!

They’ll be fine.

We’re going to sell Scotland to anybody interested in purchasing overseas territories.

It’s a win win for everybody.

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One plus side of the current situation is that Annuity rates are very favourable.

I’m thinking of pushing the button on £100K of my pot, even though I’m still working 3 days a week. Age 60, so it won’t be forever.

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Does anyone know of an easy way to compare market annuity rates for cash purchases of annuities With the deals that come with defined benefit pensions (like the USS)?

Is it normally the case that Annuities purchased for cash on the open market will give worse rates and deals than the deals and effective rates offered by the USS DB Pension?