iRadio Service - vTuner outage - New firmware now available

Hi all,

as some of you still on the old Vtuner service will have realised, the service is currently down.

Naim apologise for the inconvenience and would urge anybody who has Naim items with the later 2nd generation streaming platform (New Uniti, Mu-So Gen2, New Classic, ND5xs2, NDX2, ND555) to switch to the new Naim Internet Radio (please ensure your firmware and App are up to date and clear your old Vtuner presets - see the sticky threads here in the Streaming Audio room). For users with the old legacy streaming platform (original Mu-Sos, Unitis, streamers etc…) Naim have been working to bring Naim Internet Radio to these devices and should be ready to launch soon, but until then these devices rely on Vtuner for their internet radio service.

I’m informed that Naim will give an update on the situation with Vtuner on Monday.

Thanks, Richard


Some more information regarding the new in-house Internet Radio service;

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For users with older legacy Naim equipment ( 1st Gen Mu-So & Mu-So Qb, Uniti, Uniti 2, Unitilite, Unitiqute, Unitiqute 2, Superuniti, NAC-N172, NAC-N272, ND5XS, NDX, NDS) reliant upon Vtuner for Internet radio service, while their service is not functioning, there are some other suggested ways you can try to get Internet radio to your devices;

If you have a current generation Naim streamer then you can use the multi-room feature to send IR to your older Naim devices.

For those with older Naim streaming devices that have Bluetooth, you can connect a Bluetooth enabled device such as a phone, tablet/iPad, or computer and use that to source IR and send to your older Naim device.

You can also connect an iPhone or iPad and use the iRadio App.

You can also connect directly to your device either by analogue or by digital s/pdif connection.


I promised an update from Naim on Monday, and I now have the official word from Naim on this that has gone out to dealers and distributors today;

As you may be aware, the iRadio service on our older products went down over the weekend. Caused by an unexpected change to the third-party legacy internet radio server, the issue has impacted products both new and older.

Here are the instructions to pass to your customers, dependent on the product impacted.

In all cases, please ensure the F&N app is up to date.

Current Uniti and Streamers
ND5 XS2, NDX2, ND 555, Uniti Atom, Star, Nova & Nova PE, NSC 222, NSS 333, Mu-so & Mu-so Qb 2nd Gen, CI-Uniti 102, DIVA Utopia

New firmware is currently available, launched on December 19th 2024. Please download and update your presets if necessary.
If you are on the latest firmware version but have a warning symbol next to your presets, these are now inactive, and you simply need to delete and re-save the affected presets.

Mu-so & Mu-so Qb (1st Gen)

New firmware is in the final stages of testing and approval.
It is currently planned for launch on February 14th 2025 . This will be an over-the-air update via the F&N app. Any presets will need to be re-saved.

Legacy Uniti and Streamers
NDX, NDS, ND5 XS, NaimUniti, NaimUniti 2, SuperUniti, UnitiQute, UnitiQute 2, NAC-172, NAC-272

New firmware is in the final stages of testing and approval.
It is currently planned for launch on February 14th 2025 . This update will require connection to a computer and some products will need an RS232 to USB cable. Any presets will need to be resaved.

We will inform you when the firmware for the legacy products has been approved and is ready for launch.

Best regards,
Naim Audio


Update from Naim:
Just to confirm firmware 4.9 is now available for customers to update their products to switch from vTuner to Naim Radio -

Mu-so Gen 1, firmware 2.1.0 is live although, it may be filtering through the system for some, and this is for the naim radio update. I’ve checked update works here ok.

No other changes have gone into these releases.

We have also made available 7.3.0 APPs to support Naim Radio for these products.

Please remember to remove all your old presets.

n.b. Windows users would be best advised to use administrator mode when downloading and applying the update.