Is “Fine Art” all it’s cracked up to be


Hunters in the snow is one of my favourite paintings.

Everybody’s doing something, apart from the birds in the tree.


They may be poo-ing… who knows !!!


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I am not into photo realist art - can’t quite see the point though it is impressive at one level

I love impressionist art - my all time favourite was one of Monet’s Haystacks (only just discovered it was a series so not sure which one I saw) at museum in Paris a few years ago (Musee d’Orsay?). The light was extraordinary - looked like the painting was backlit

I also like an impression of something given by simple lines and / or areas of colour. For example some of the simper works by Heaton Cooper (watercolours of Lake District scenes) give a remarkable impression of the light across a lake / hills

I have ever been able to draw anything impressionistically (is that a real word?) as I can generally only draw what is in front of me. My art ‘O’ level imaginative composition was neither imaginative nor much of a composition, but if I did a figure drawing you could actually tell who the subject was, and I was OK at still life. Am hoping to take art back up (along with the saxophone, photography and coffee roasting!) when I retire. I would be so happy if I could learn to do a bit of very simple impressionist drawing, but might just end up doing drawings of farm buildings instead!

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As we’ve seen some nice stained glass windows, here are some from Freemason’s Hall in London.

These are from the Peace Memorial

And this is the ceiling in the Grand Temple, which is made from small tesserae tiles.



The Turner Prize from when it started in 1984 up to the turn of the millennium was and still is a great record of some fabulous British contemporary Fine Art.

After 2000 up to the present day has been littered with the fallout of artists struggling and suffering to get any originality and expression, let alone offering anything interesting or remotely beautiful or pleasing to the eye.

Sadly “Fine Art” and especially all those sub disciplines like “Painters, Sculptors, printmakers and more recently Conceptualists” have died a death with some considerable effort needed to try and resurrect.


“Applied Arts” is a different thing altogether.
Artists may be not so concerned about being disruptive. Political, moral or intellectually groundbreaking. Preferring to make something that looks nice that doesn’t particularly challenge and will sell easily.

As a member of the Board of Management of one of our National Galleries many years ago and charged with most financial management of said institution, I used to find the best way to appreciate the art and in fact the organisation as a whole was in the bar of the Morpeth Arms further along Millbank while weeping copiously into my pint of Best :open_mouth:

This was post “ The Bricks “ incidentally.


Yeah forgot photography


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