Is It All Too Much?

I feel left behind and unable to catch up with all this new technology.
I guess have a reasonable baseline of experience, having worked in electronics and later as a computer / network technician. I have had both Microsoft and Novell certification but that has gone to the 4 winds.
Now retired and I’m just not able to keep up with the rate of change, continually having to reference new tech online. I’m just glad I don’t have to do this for a living any more. :joy:
Sometimes it’s easier just to stick with what you have rather than chase the next big thing, but how many of us have said that and failed miserably.


I’m 40 and feel the same. I manage to keep up for now.

Same here - definitely would not like to return to working in IT industry. Though I think some uses of technology are questionable such as being able to control a shower remotely from an iPhone. I’m also very sceptical about cloud computing.

That said, I like the idea of robotics to clean the house, do the washing and mow the lawn. And best of all auto pilot on cars to eliminate the biggest cause of accidents: drivers. It’d be great no more speeding cars and anybody could use a vehicle safely for transport even if they were blind. Less need to travel is also a great use of technology.

So I’m no longer interested in the IT industry, but I’m glad some folk still are.

I signed up to this a long time ago.
While I don’t have a lawn, she does everything else and has done so admirably for the last 45 years. :joy:

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“I’m also very sceptical about Cloud Computing”

Best not to think about that too much TiberioMagadino - pretty much everything we do now runs in the Cloud, be it banking, education and of course the NHS which signed a very big deal with Microsoft last year for Azure. In fact, this Forum is hosted in the Public Cloud with AWS.

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