Isolating components on a HiFi rack

Didn’t the reference have very wobbly connections? I remember a friend had one for years but it was wood not acrylic. It was a long time before he migrated to a Fraim. I still think the Quadraspire racks are very good. Not the last word in frequency extremes but midrange is beautifully rendered and they are very musical.

Yes, it has small collars that prevent the uprights tightening fully so the shelves float. it wobbles if you push it, but that’s the whole point…

I love my Fraim. It’s good for everything. Apart from turntable. I may go back to using my turntable wall mount. Not sure I am prepared to do massive subfloor work right with everything I have going on with my life. Love the look of it all. But it’s not quite right on Fraim.

Before I do that I will try turntable on far right stack in corner and move some boxes around in due course as experiment.


Yes, our old floorboards necessitated a wall mount but apart from that, Fraim’s great…and my wife likes it, choosing it unhesitatingly when I showed her a photo. Result!

If you liked the sound before then use the same material and maybe try an isolating product for your amp something from isoacoustics maybe.

Quadraspire told me during a 'phone conversation that they discontinued the acrylic shelves years ago because they didn’t sound as good as bamboo.

You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.


I went to bamboo and then returned to the acrylic several years later. It just sounded better.
Probably the latest Reference series is better, but its about as expensive as Fraim…
The Q4 Evo rack with bamboo just isn’t isolated sufficiently

I have the SV version which is a lot better than the Evo. Niether have any isolation at all. That’s an intentional feature of the design of this rack - it’s not intended to isolate anything. Rather it’s about rigid coupling.

If you think that the acrylic sounds better than bamboo though then fair enough - it’s your ears, your system.

Tx, Yes thanks. I found it gave more clarity, coherence and space between instruments. I was thinking of getting an isolation platform for the TT but changing back to the old rack in the loft fixed that. :wink:


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