Jazz Music Thread

I disagree, this ones much more friendly and inclusive

(Incidentally Joe did contribute to that thread but I think he stopped after all the keyboard warrior bird watchers?)

I’m aware of Joe’s contributions to the Tone Poet thread (I was part of that thread from the very beginning) and know exactly why he left. He and I are friends and talk often. Joe is awesome and one of the most knowledgable people I know when it comes to jazz.

People here are great. People on SH Forums are also great. There are people in my Ignore List on SH Forums. There are people in my Ignore List here too. I don’t see either as being more or less friendly and inclusive, and I have spent substantial time participating on both to get a pretty good sense of both. Neither is better or worse than the other, IMO.

I too have many years experience of SHF, this forum including the old one and have an opinion. I too was a follower of the TP thread from the start.
Anyway were in danger of Richard waving the Red card, I believe discussion of other forums is against the rules.

Back to the music.

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Btw @JosquinDesPrez
As you have Joe’s ear I would love it if you could enquire if theres ever a chance of Dizzy Reece - Blues In Trinity getting the TP treatment, followed up by Star Bright

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Sorry, I make it point not to bother Joe with requests. I value our friendship and don’t want to poison the well. With that said, I don’t think Blues In Trinity is out of the realm of possibility, assuming the tapes are in good shape. It’s the kind of thing Joe likes and is willing to consider, but it hasn’t come specifically that I remember.

Star Bright will definitely not get the Tone Poet treatment. It was already released as a Music Matters Jazz 45 title. Joe was a part of that series and he has already stated he has no interest in repeating any Music Matters releases.

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I came to MM with the 33 series and have a complete set from subscription I must have missed the 45 of Star Bright.
Joe if I recall did indicate a positive to Bues In Trinity when I asked in the other place way back. (I wasnt seriously suggesting you would ask him on my behalf hence "I would love it if you could). Whether there are usable original masters is the question, wasnt it recorded in Paris Or London? If so maybe the masters are elsewhere than the UMe/Blue Note vault assuming they even still exist.

I do already have it on LP, not sure which version/issue it is there havent been many, but a TP of it would be something else!

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Star Bright exists only as a 45 in the MMJ series. It was one of the later reissues they released. I have all the MMJ45s (112 titles) and 34 of the MMJ 33s, including two SRX, and a test pressing of Undercurrents (Kenny Drew) that Ron Rambaugh gave me. :slight_smile:

I did a survey of the MMJ 45 titles similar to the Tone Poets one I posted earlier. I’m happy to share if anyone is interested, although most of the titles are now rather expensive.

This is the copy of Blues In Trinity that I have. It’s a decent pressing not sure of source, sleeve states 1995 Capitol Records Hollywood & Vine. Maybe part of the Connoisseur Series, I bought it new at the time but dont recall

I saw your subjective notes on the TP’s with interest. I have most of them so far and happen to like Money Jungle I wouldnt list it as essential but I still think its worthy, what is it about that one that you dont rate?
Conversely everyone highly rates Katanga, personally I dont get it?
Dexter Gordon’s One Flight Up is a fine album but imho to my ears the best piece King Neptune never made the cut to the original vinyl.



I like Money Jungle. At the time I played it for my survey I just didn’t rate it as high as others, but when I play it again I will likely promote it to my Recommended list. I think I even made a note to that effect.

Katanga is a real gem. I love that album. The tune “Native Land” never gets old for me.


Its not that I dislike it, I just havent grasped the fuss about it (yet maybe) but I’m in a minority of one here. Maybe I need some wax remover :grin:

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That’s what’s beautiful about jazz and other genres. There’s something for everyone to love (and hate)…the beauty is in the ear of the beholder.

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Hate is a strong word and a dangerous road to go down as history as shown over and over, there are people in this world that would have us travel that road but that’s another subject not appropriate here.
I know what you mean though and agree

The word ‘hate’ is perfectly appropriate in many contexts, and is the right word at times. It doesn’t mean it has to do with hatred in social contexts. I hate rap music, not dislike, but really hate it. I hate that my 252 mute replay failed when I wanted to play records during the holidays. I hate mushrooms. I don’t know why, but I hate them. I hate it when I get a flat tire on my bicycle when its below freezing. There is nothing wrong with the word hate. It’s the context that may or may not be the problem.

Even magic ones?

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Morning Josquin
I take your point about context of course. Hating when you get a flat tire, its freezing, your 252 plays up is one thing and is something affecting yourself on a personal level.
“Hating” things that are enjoyed by large groups of others, musical genres, sports teams, arts, cultural differences etc perhaps is a bit different. In that context “hate”, which can sometimes invoke powerful negative emotion in the “hater” can lead to intolerance, division and its exploitation by persons and/or organisations with agenda’s.

There is so much hate in the world today and on the rise mostly fuelled by those with agendas, that sometimes when I see the word Hate in this context just makes me think.

I’m not in any way trying to be PC or direct my view towards you, it’s my own personal and general musing. I’m not a good writer and trying to express a view whilst staying within the rules.

In the context, and staying relevant to this thread. There was/is a movement with a warped ideology that came to power in the late 1930’s in Europe. One element of their hatred was directed towards Jazz which to them was degenerate and Negermusik



Yes, that series of vinyl was part of the Conn series, which also came out on CD. I have a few of them, including a ‘Basra’.

Yes I have Basra, do you have Blues In Trinity? it’s very good imo

Keith Jarrett Trio - UHQCD Limited Edition


No but I have it on various CD versions, including the Conn - also on the Dizzy Reece Mosaic Select. That one was a ‘stealth’ Blue Note recorded by Decca in London.

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Recorded 60 years ago. Lovely feature on Sonny in the Guardian today.