Jazz Music Thread

Calling all Tubby Hayes fans.
AAA mastering from Gearbox records, so should be good



Gave this a good scrub on the record cleaner and it sounds top notch.


It is good, although admittedly I haven’t listened to all of the LPs yet. However, on Mexican Green for example, which comes close to my original LP, ultimately you do come up against the limitations of the original recording.

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I dont have much Tubby Hayes in my collection. Not sure I’m a big enough fan/completist to want to spend £200 on this box at this time.
Hopefully they may put them out individually at some point. If so which titles would you recommend?

Speaking of Tubby Hayes, IIRC he is a big influence on Simon Spillet who is an authority on, and written a book about Tubby Hayes.
His Square One LP on Gearbox record is very good

Mexican Green. And the recently discovered Grits, Beans and Greens is superb.


Along with Mexican Green, I would choose 100% Proof, and Down In The Village, to get you going.

Yes, Simon Spillett’s Square One on Gearbox is excellent.


mmmmmmm! Maybe I should get the book

and invest in this box after all

Thanks @Richard.Dane @Clive

I think Gearbox still have Live At The Hopbine, any good?

I don’t have it!

Just had a quick shufty and all I have is this on a Spanish Label Jazz Workshop of probably iffy source

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I don’t have it either, but I’ve been tempted!

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Definitely get Simon’s book. He is the undisputed World authority on Tubby Hayes, as well as being a very fine tenor player in his own right. Too bad his ‘Tubby Hayes Big Band’ gig at Swanage got cancelled this year.


I forgot I have a 3 month Tidal trial for £3. With so much tempting my wallet I thought might be a way of short listing, just proved futile and made me want to buy more!
I found Grits…and Mexican so will sample those as a taster

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Anyone with the slightest interest in post war British jazz needs to own this impeccable CD now with extra tracks. This is easily Georgie Fame’s best jazz album and features Tubby Hayes on tenor and Phil Seamen on drums. Just 6 of your english pounds on Azamon.


The extras are good too, in addition to that classic Fame/Harry South album. That ‘Getaway’ tune was used on the TV to sell petrol back in the day - just about remember it.

That’s the problem I’ve found with Qobuz. Not only does it cost me £15 per month, it also leads me to buy more. Although it would make good sense to do so, I haven’t yet adapted to relying on streaming services as a sole source.

Me neither I just cant get the concept of a virtual music collection. Maybe it’s my age, I grew up with real world records and record shops.
I actually find streaming a distraction with a short attention span. Instead of playing a whole record through as I would with a CD or LP I soon find myself playing with the search/explore functions and not listening. I use streaming occasionally when there are offers ( I had a free trial of Prime which included Amazon Music and now 3 months Tidal for 3 quid) like I said to try out stuff but it’s quite a discipline to try to immerse myself in a record from start to finish without distraction.
I dont have a particularly “HiFi” streaming capability, just bluetooth from my phone via a little Denon system.

Harry South did the theme tune to The Sweeney off the telly back in the 70’s


Mose Alison


It’s a superb recording but it is not “ONE MIC”.
“Don’t You Cry”

and the other albums with a kind of similar cover are as well as the one where it is stated on their site;
I like the latest albums with a better cover as well;
is almost a Naim records type album but with an S.L. sound.

has more of an ECM type vibe but, and I know this might sound controversial, with a better sound.

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