Jazz Music Thread

Enjoying Dee Dee Bridgewater Afro Blue (Mr Bongo reissue), thanks for highlighting it a little while back.


Give this a try, full sound and pleasant music…

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Time to decompress for half an hour before preparing dinner. Dave Brubeck’s Time Out is perfect. This is the mid ‘90s Classic Records LP issue cut by Bernie Grundman and sounding really, really good…



Classic Records did a good job on that one, like most of their re issues I have

It’s very good indeed, although I think my favourite way to hear this album is still the 7 1/2 i.p.s. reel to reel tape.

Thumbs up for Connie, I have both Crime Zone and Iron Starlet in high res, both are absolutely superb.


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Hi Richard,
Are those One Steps really that much better for the price?
I ask as I know from other posts that you have bought a few titles so will have an informed view.

Do you have it?

I’ve only bought one so far - the Simon & Garfunkel. I may also buy Eldorado when it comes out. A lot of money here in the UK though…

Yes, along with Time Further Out, and Time Changes. They’re all fab, although I think Time Out, especially Take Five, takes the cake.

I have a good live album of Brubeck cant remember title offhand it’s a Pure Pleasure re issue.

How did you find the S&G, it seemed to me a not great choice for a high end “audiophile” reissue. I read somewhere that the original tapes are shot to bits and the copy tapes etc that survive have been used and abused so many times that what’s left are generational copies of copy tapes that were already in bad shape.
Similarly the Marvin Gaye - What’s Going On, tapes maybe fine I dont know, great album with historical significance and ever relevant in these current times with BLM etc, but still not a particularly noteworthy recording quality IMO.

It’s this one


Incidentally my first love musically is Jamaican music.
This tune from the late sixties by Jamaican Saxophonist Val Bennett was my first introduction to Brubeck before I’d ever heard of him.
The Russians Are Coming, I think it will sound familiar…

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You’ll laugh - I haven’t got around yet to even opening the S&G!

I love What’s Going On, but I was put off by the splitting across four sides with the Mofi One-Step. Instead I bought the deluxe half speed Abbey Road vinyl reissue and it’s OK, although I think you may be right that the tapes have deteriorated. The highlight of the Abbey Road set is the inclusion of the Detroit mix of the album, and that’s really excellent, and still sounding fresh and alive.

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Loving it!

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Those Abbey Rd half speed masters are a bit controversial, the Marmite equivalent love it or hate it. He gets quite a bit of stick over on another forum.
I think he upsets the purists because he works from digital files.
Hats off to Miles Showell though he’s passionately ploughing that furrow and sticking to his guns. Must drive him loopy monitoring all those tapes at half speed!

I got his half speed master of John Martyn Solid Air sounds fine to me. Might have to check out his What’s Going On

If you love it have a look at this, includes the Val Bennett and other lovely stuff from the period. I recommend the CD in book format, I think theres also a vinyl set


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I think there’s a big difference between cutting from 24/96, 24/192, or DSD copy masters in the studio compared with cutting from a CD rip or even an MP3 as seems to be the way with some of the dodgier outfits. With the latter, any attempt at making a high quality product is just not on the cards, whereas with the former, it’s possible to make something that sounds really fabulous. As ever, there’s much more to it than just any digital in the chain=bad but all-analogue=good.

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Yes we have this one. Andrea appears on another Trio/Cleyndert cd.
This one with Harry Allen. Contains a show stopping bass solo image by Simon Woolf.