Journeys Around Some DACs

Many thanks for clarifying this. I’m intrigued. The Plixir/Satement cable has certainly done wonders for my Melco N100. ( fed by a Naim Powerline)

In the future I’m thinking I could upgrade to the new Plixir Statement supply for my Melco, and then use the existing Elite supply for the Qutest. It will need the voltage adjusting form 12V to 5V. I’m assuming this possible at reasonable cost.

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I don’t know if James can adjust voltage. Definitely a Q for him.

And, yes, the Statement DC cable is outstanding. Mandatory entry point, if you ask me.

The Elite BDC starts with a custom balanced transformer, and then uses two separate stages of regulation, in series. I used one with my Lumin D2 (simply massive improvement over the SBooster LPS, which is already a big lift over the OEM internal SMPS), one with my Chord Qutest, and still use one with my Roon Nucleus Plus revA. James was deeply interested in what equipment his supplies would be driving and stated that he would do some optimization for each type. Mum on what that might entail.

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Thanks. Yes the statement DC cable is far superior to the supplied standard DC cable with the Elite BDC - have have one on mine feeding the Melco. But I’m not sure you understood - or maybe you did - but I’m talking of swapping out the Elite BDC on the Melco for the new Statement BDC Power Supply which is much more costly. Seen one review of this so far which suggests that it’s much better - as of course it should be! Then I’ll use the Elite BDC (with voltage adjusted) on the Qutest. Of course I’ll want another Powerline for this which adds significantly to the cost!

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