Julian Vereker

I think I am actually jealous of a chap with a cardboard box. :grinning:


It was worth keeping, then… :crazy_face:


I love this box! :heart_eyes:


Lol. Is this the next Naim retro piece to follow after the Nait 50?


It’s just really witty unlike today’s all corporate Naim.


I found a text file that claims to be a collection of all posts Julian Vereker posted on naim forum.


Quote Julian

This is one you will have to try for yourself - it is like the 135 passive v 250 active debate only more so. The only comment I have, is that in the factory, one can tell if a 500 is being used in a room without even opening the door.*


The NAP500 seems to be much more like a pre-amp, it takes ages to warm up - not at all like 250s or 135s.


Date: September 22, 1999 05:55 PM
Author: julian vereker
Subject: 52

It is possible that at some stage in the future we may put the 52 into
a case similar to the NAP500PS, no decision has been taken.

Date: January 01, 2000 10:01 AM
Author: julian vereker
Subject: size matters

The problem of mechanical transformer noise is caused by odd harmonics
being present on the mains supply and tend cause more noise on larger

The early 250 (pre 1984) had a smaller transformer than the later one
which is the same as the 135.

I keep my all my power supplies and NAP500s in a cupboard in the hall.



I dont think its all his post but certainly a great resource, even today, and some facinating content.

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I’ve had lunch with Julian at the factory many years ago. He was keen to hear a couple of things I’d shown to Paul Messenger. None of them were easily manufacturable but they did seem to work well. I’d discovered them in my younger days when I was a bit more curious and inquisitive. I’d often play around with my system trying various ideas out. 95% of the time it was a waste of time but occasionally you’d discover something that seemed to work really well that might have some sort of application in the future.


Its a CB NAP, but there is no part no or serial number… :slightly_smiling_face:


Zen like in its simplicity. Just perfect.



I had the opportunity to go to the Salisbury factory with a small group of science and engineering graduate students who were interested in audio. To the best of my recollection this was probably 1984 and they demonstrated the prototype of the first Naim speaker along with the usual Linn Saras and Kans. It was a wonderful day. Julian and his staff sat with us the whole afternoon and when we were done Julian took us to a local pub and bought us all drinks. I don’t think any of us could afford anything but the most basic Naim setup at the time but Julian and his staff were very generous. That’s one reason I have stuck with Naim over the past 40 years or so. Two of the students that attended with went on to form Roksan after they graduated. One of them had a tiny bedsit just enough room for a mattress and a pair of Isobariks and you actually had o sit on the bed to listen to them!.


Wonderful, just love that and look where it all led, a more diversified hifi industry.

Here is the Box NAP’s back panel -

Ah… its a 250 - look at the XLR input… :slightly_smiling_face:


I cut the edges off my box so that it would be easier to file. This is what was on the inside of the cardboard amplifier.


That is such a cool item. That inside should be supplied in every Naim box of new kit - if it all still holds true.


I think it would need an update… :thinking: :crazy_face:

Spot the spelling / grammatical mistake.


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Nothing that would trouble me…

But… YMMV… :expressionless:

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that’s the part of their charm. They could not afford a proof reader back then. :laughing:

One more person to be ‘dependent’ upon.