Kitchen Tips

When I was a kid we would sometimes have tinned pears for dessert, which I loved. One time I saw the empty tin next to the sink. When I looked inside, it was about 1/3 full of syrup, so I slurped it down.

Except it wasn’t syrup, it was the grease my mother would save from the frying pan, still liquid and (fortunately) not hot, but a nasty experience I’ll never forget.


I won’t say more, as I don’t want to jinx them, but they’re high quality kit. Fit and forget.

That reminds me of one of Jasper Carrots jokes - something about what he finds in a bottle, iirc on a bus…'nuff said…whoaaa!
Sauce or in these parts…source first - most important perhaps!

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bon chance

Because only old people could afford to buy them.


Untrue, but there you go.

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Yes - one seldom looks for rigour in casually attempted humour.


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