Kudos 606 vs 707 vs 808

I have to completely agree with Chris, I have heard the whole range and have had the 707’s and 808’s in my house. The 808’s are in a different league and well worth the asking price.


The good thing about the Titans is that they can work in a small space, as the 808’s are £££ more than the others it would really be worth a visit to hear them in the flesh. If you want the immersive experience then the bigger the better so for your space it would be either the 707 or 808 but as much as I thought things couldn’t get better the 808’s for me was like having a source upgrade and really completed my system.

I agree about the look of ATCs, that makes the 19s and 40s non-starters for me. It’s a pity they don’t use the same quality of wood veneer on these as they use on their Classic series. And don’t get me started on those bits of chicken wire they stick in front of them instead of using grilles!
I guess there’s always personal taste as well as just absolute sound quality to consider. In the end I went down a different (Shahinian) route so it’s largely academic for me now.

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I am not hot for the kudos looks either (bit “boxy”) but given this is a basement system I am looking at function over form.
Somewhat reassuringly I have not read a negative word about Kudos speakers, and I am hooked by the consistent descriptions of tight detailed bass (a must for me), excellent timing and the expressive midrange. When I see respected dealers taking about these as the best they have heard with naim it also brings a sense of comfort that this is likely to be a great combo.

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I visited @Cymbiosis just after the 606’s became available with the intention of placing an order for a pair of 707’s. However, after comparing both, the 606’s got the nod as I felt they were more cohesive and simply spoke to me.

808’s wouldn’t physically fit in my room but would be my first and last choice of speaker if they did. If you were in a position to afford either 707 or 808s, you’d definitely want the 808s. Otherwise, given that the 606s could otherwise be the perfect partner for your upstairs system, you could try them first. Supported by a 552 and 500 they are tremendous and shouldn’t have any problems in your room.


Trying out the 606s is a very good idea Dave, as there is a case for swopping out my existing speakers upstairs for something that can sit less intrusively, closer to the wall. My wife likes that plan :slight_smile:


I’ve heard the 707s and 808s on @Polarbear’s system and no comparison the 808s are in a different league for weight of performance, detail and musicality. In fact I’d have to listen again but I wonder if the 707s offer much over the 505s and 606s.

Good luck.

It sounds like 808s are the way to go for the full-on experience.

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I’m happy with my decision to replace my beloved NBLs with the T808. The are placed app. 25cm from the rear wall, slightly toyed in. They are easy to install and perform excellent with my current system setup. I like the design too. It gives the speaker a unique design which is different to the common speaker design.

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Sadly for your wallet… I fear that you are right Robbo. 808’s are the only choice if you can make the stretch. I don’t own them (yet), but having heard all the Titan options, there’s a reason that Everyone says 808. The Titan ranges’ trump card is the ability to be neutral and truthful sounding without ever veering towards dull. All the Titans have this ability, but the 808’s offer a scale, focus and realism that is far beyond the rest of the range that, once heard, is hard to forget when you go back and listen to the others. They are an iteration of the best available.

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Oh my :flushed:. Having used the 707s with the two Rel 812 subs I decided to try the 808s tonight. Had to unplug the subs. 36cm from corner and from front wall. Wow. Just wow.


I love the rack! Where did you find it?
Damn 808s and 2 subs!!! Your profile says SN3, really?

Yeah. That was a year ago. Time to update. Thanks for the heads up.

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No worries mate!


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One hell of a system that’s for sure.

Unfortunately I don’t have a dedicated listening room so it does double duty with HT. It’s a Salamander Designs. Works well.

Listening to Gary Numan’s new album. Amazing.


I think reversing the subs and speakers might allow better speaker placement

great system, looks really well set up too. How much space is behind the 808 to the rear wall?

@Robbo £25000. Is a lot of money there’s a lot of really great speakers in that price range. ProAc K6 signatures, Magico A5 or A3, Wilson Audio Alexia’s…if I was you I’d take the time to listen to these. I think you maybe selling yourself short, Just buying blind.