Limetree Bridge with ND555

I haven’t really followed this Dan, but i thought you was very happy with the limetree as a streamer? As it was a wow moment if i remember right.
So what’s gone wrong.

Very Long story. The Firmware on ND555 affects the DAC part and the Limetree has minimal affect.

So now Limetree out and low priced ethernet cables in to tame sound signature. Sounds better but not right.

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May I suggest a workaround to see what the significance of your ND555DAC is on the final sound? Try loading some tracks onto a memory stick and plug that into your Marantz SA12SE usb-A digital input on its rear and output digitally via the rear coax into your ND555. Compare that with the sound when you plug the usb into the ND555 directly.
I know this won’t solve the streaming issue for you but it may allow you to listen to ripped/downloaded albums in a way that sounds more to your liking.

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I did a close test two years ago. While the Diamond was better than the Vodka it also brought a certain analytical or cold element making it more fatiguing to my ears. The Chord Music - expensive of course, but was significantly better. If Naim fixes firmware things you will be able to appreciate it too the full extend…

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Dan have you tried Audirivana? It’s software that connects to your 555 via upnp, when I had my nds it sounded brilliant but you do need a computer in your house somewhere, I have an iMac in my office upstairs so used it on that

I have gone from vodka to diamond to shunyata sigma.
The same impression in my system (tested today) - Diamond is more round and less edgy but I bit colorless and artificial.
But only when compared to sigma, which is told to have a character in direction of chord music, which I very much like to hear one day.

No mate. Everything sounded perfect until firmware was changed. Used BJC > EE8/Farad Super 3> Vodka > PhoenixNet> Diamond> ND555.

Now using PhoenixNet > Catsnake >ND555 and sounds okay on 3.10.1 firmware. Vodka and Diamond not working as well with hf issues now.

It’s not as enjoyable as before and with LP12 on holiday for tonearm fix, things are harder still.

Will suffer it for now. Looking forward to LP12 coming back!

I didn’t realise the firmware update had caused all this chaos

Are you having upgrades done to your turntable? I’m hoping I will have my new psu and motor sorted this week

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No. It’s full Klimax spec. The Ekos SE/1 tonearm has a fault with it veering to the right violently when lowering onto the record. It took a bit of time for Audio T to find the fault, but they did. It’s off to Linn for repairs.

I have listened to Stiletto and Skorpion and it sounds excellent. But not ready to upgrade.

There’s nothing else to upgrade really!

So more interested in getting it fixed and playing lots of vinyl.

Klimax is……klimax mate, the bees knees!

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I was admiring your deck on Saturday. Very nice piece of kit. I believe John has solved the issue - it wasn’t doing it when he showed me.

I’ll bet you’ll be glad to get it back. I know I’ve been using mine a lot more since 3:10 came out. I even had to drag a box of albums out of the loft as I’ve gone through all the ones I had in the lounge!


I have spent more than enough on it. The LP12 has been my preferred source for some time.

However, out of convenience ND555 is used more. It’s still an amazing source. It’s just the firmware has now changed the sound signature significantly.

I hope the Radikal 2 works out well. Your turntable will be raised to another level completely. It’s a big upgrade that also opens up possibility of the Urika.

He found the fault @Geko! He thought it was okay but after you left he found the fault and now it’s going back to Linn.

John at Audio T Brighton is very good with the LP12 servicing. I am glad he found the fault. I am not the only one who has found this with the Ekos SE/1.

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It’s a nice deck. Only the plinth and top plate remains of original deck. The plinth was black ash but at some point was sanded and re finished in a yellowish stain.

Tempted to change those bits out as well! But part of me thinks it’s quite nice to have some history to it.

I ended up with a black ash special anniversary plinth, Aro and Geddon, so all a bit old school!


I really like the stealth looks of Stiletto and Skorpion but at crazy costs new. It sounds very very good and worth a listen.

For now I will leave things well alone. Bought a Rolex recently instead. Lol :laughing:

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I can fully understand why it is your no1 source mate, mine is a full level below yours with the current lingo 4 and it’s brilliant

I’m not sure when/if I’m going to change my phono stage, I think when I get to that part I will go overboard on the cartridge and keep it

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It will be very very close to mine Damien.

I had Ekos 2, Dynavector XX2 MkII, Kore, Trampolin 2, Tom Evans The Groove +SRX power supply. The phonostage was perhaps better than what I have with Urika 1. The set up into 52 and 500DR was very very sweet indeed.

You’re looking at incremental improvements now. And with the Radikal 2 and Arko it should be absolutely top notch. I wouldn’t rush for anything more.

I did the whole lot on LP12 in one hit because I wanted an LP12 Klimax. I could have just done the Akurate Radikal 2 and left the rest as it is. I got carried away I guess and with illness just thought f#ck it! Do the lot.

I am not disappointed. I wanted it all so I did it in one hit.

The Keel and Ekos SE/1 are great. My cart the Kandid I got for 30% list price on ebay 50 hours use. So sold the Dynavector for £650 with low use. But paid full price for it. If I change Kandid at any point not sure I would get the same. I like Dynavector carts. Bit more forward than Linn.

Urika makes use of Radikal 2. One less shelf. Again it’s part of Klimax LP12.

Superline is now not serviceable and requires Supercap DR at this level. So Urika went in. My Tom Evans phono stage was maybe better though. Anyway, I never look back! Love my LP12!


Mate you wanted Klimax spec and you did it, such a quality bit of kit, when you get it back having the arm sorted it will be amazing!

I think with mine I was swap the Kore out this year.

My Lejonklew Entity stage is being mounted on a wall small shelf at the back of my fraim this week. I didn’t realise how big the akurate psu is

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Once you have the Keel, there may not be much benefit in swapping out a new Arko. In retrospect I could have kept the Ekos 2 and maybe it wouldn’t be much better now.

But, I went full on and decided on the old maxim you only live once, and so did it. No regrets.

But I wouldn’t advise it if your turntable sounds great.

Very difficult for me to say what does what as I did Ekos SE/1, Keel, KRadikal 2, Urika 1 and Kandid in one hit. And 552DR on same day. So was a day of huge upgrades.

If I did just one upgrade it would have been KRadikal 2. But I did 6, including 552DR, and, with a what was a cart that sounded great. But I am a full on kind of guy.

BD :muscle: