Linn Kan vs Naim IBL

Is spot on with observations.
I can only add that that IBLs are faster than the Kan II I changed them for.
I got fed up with all the IBL mods and feeling that any bass was a real treat.


Has anyone tried IbLs with a Tube amp? Eg a Primaluna or so?

I’ve a feeling that the ibls may sound well with either tubes or a pure class an amp. It’s just a feeling though.

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Although when active the Isobariks are much faster. Never heard Saras active but imagine it’s a similar transformation. Still not as fast as IBLs, especially if they are active too.

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Yes I agree. Saras also becomes faster active but not as fast as active Kans and IBL´s.

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Isn’t it wonderful that discussions of speaker systems designed 40-50 years ago still provoke strong reactions whatever our individual favourites may be. Of course, it might also reflect how little loudspeaker design has really improved over the years.


I think there have been many improvements in speaker designs. Especially in materials, crossovers etc. However, the mechanical engineering aspect of say Naim speakers isn’t found in any modern designs. The box is fundamental in the sound of speakers yet most manufacturers just make do with rigid inert boxes. This is why I really wish Naim begin making speakers like they used to. Harbeth is the only other brand whom I respect as their design philosophy is one I understand and enjoy as it’s still possibly the best midrange I’ve heard from any brand at any price (obviously from the speakers that I’ve heard).

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Yes it’s a shame Naim is not allowed to make speakers anymore,like the small standmount Ovator 200 with BMR,that were in the pipeline.
The problem for Linn is that they are not Flatearth anymore, they focus on the wrong things nowadays.


I agree that designers have access to a wider range of materials and Cad systems etc to help them. I would also say that the finish around crossovers and so on has improved and are more professional. However, no modern speaker that I have heard (£5k ish) has really challenged my SBLs.


I love how Naim speakers excel or rather execute timing to perfection. At least they have a clear goal in mind. Similarly with amplification. These days speaker manufacturers try to do it all and end up sounding boring as a result.

“I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times”

Bruce Lee


Am I right in thinking that the Naim speaker plug will not fit on these mki Kans?

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Should be fine.


Those must be older than my pair were (from 1985)…? Mine had bare metal 4mm only sockets.

The spacing should be the same on either and the Naim SA8 plugs should fit both. They certainly fit my own pair of Kans just fine.


Seems like 2024 is the year of looking into Kan or Naim speakers bit more. @igel ? :smile::wink:

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Mine too. Speakers are about 5-6cm from rear wall on Kan 2 stands. Skirting board prevents them being any closer - not sure that any closer would be any better though.

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Same. I heard them once, briefly, and thought they were great fun. I wondered if they might have the character of a “grown-up Kan,” and thereby solve the stridency issue, but I was put off by their reputation for being hard to drive.

I haven’t, but I tried n-Sats with a PrimaLuna EVO 100. The amp was excellent with my Klipsch Heresy IIIs but not very exciting with Sats. Those were my sixth pair, very lean and midrange-y, unusually not involving. I’d be curious to listen to my IBLs with the same PrimaLuna.

I have mixed feelings about tubes. They need a high-ish and very regular impedance pattern rather than high sensitivity. Ops, I mistakenly typed sensibility instead of sensitivity, which possibly sums up what is actually needed to live with tubes…

Couldn’t agree more.


Possibly my ultimate loudspeaker, after the experience with IBLs, could be the NBLs. I’ m realizing now that they really trounce the 600s for clarity and speed. The problem Will be to source one in decent condition

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Agree @stuart.ashen whilst they meed careful attention to build and position no matter what I listen to I just think, nice, but they’re not SBL’s :rofl:

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Are Kans suitable to be placed on the Sound Organisation wall brackets do you know?

I bought some in mint condition last year for £19, didn’t need them but thought for that price they may come in useful sometime :rofl:

Now got me wondering about some mk1 Kans on them?