Linn lp12 psu….what to expect

Yes, but question is the whole streaming thing. Just seems to me a complicated rabbit whole!

It’s not simple.

In the past you but a CD555 and 2 x 555PS done.
Or Esoteric CD player done

Now with streaming so many complications.

LP12 is lovely but day to day streaming is so versatile!

I will not rush in mate!


Good post. Also our systems don’t become bad just because we don’t buy the latest upgrade or offering. I’ve fallen foul to this on occasion. The system that I’m currently using is worth every penny though. I love it!


Now listening to ND555 with 2 555PSDRs and it sounds superb!

Hahaha! :rofl:

Gonna take some time out listening to system, enjoy it . Will check out other DACs and Tangerine Audio products and see where I go. It’s all fun and a good distraction from all these horrible procedures and treatments.

Thanks for your support! I love you guys! Xxxx :star_struck:


Yes, exactly and thank you :slightly_smiling_face:


Yes, you can on the first point.
Yes, if you want to on the second point.

Respecting moderation here as far as this practically possible.
KR, Peter


At this elevated level, the usual comments about diminishing returns apply.

Otoh, many have noticed that a Keel is a good deal better than a Kore, and a KRad2 is well above an ARad1 (which is well above L4, which is well above L1, which is well above Valhalla).

I got the Stiletto and Skorpion together, as others have done, so can’t comment on their individual benefits. However, I am sure a really good dealer that carries these products will be able to demonstrate the extra benefit of a Skorpion.

I am also sure that they would support the usual comment here that, if you personally can’t hear a difference from the extra spending, then that’s no sin and will save you money.

No rules broken I think.


Little update on this, my turntable and lingo 4 were collected on monday. It’s being brought back tomorrow morning. excited to hear the difference tomorrow evening


Just got mine back today. Ekos SE has been rebuilt completely. New bearings vertical and lateral. New arm wire and antiskate. Tracking dial replaced, lift lower cleaned. So basically all parts serviced or replaced. Sounds epic now.


What happened to it. :scream:

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It was moving violently to the right on lowering.

Bought used in May 2024. You take the risk buying used. Now it’s like new.

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Mate that’s a proper job on that! How’s it sounding?

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It sounds absolutely perfect. Linn do a set price on repairs as well. So cost was £480 including carraige. Dealer has been top notch too. Thanks to Audio T Brighton :muscle:


Thats not bad at all, I bet it’s fiddly to service one of those! glad its sounding good

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anddddddd its in!

Iv had to order a right angle Neutrik xlr though, otherwise its simply too deep, be with me tomorrow that, for tonights listening we took off a section of the plug, had the platter spinning all day to help bed in the psu etc


Hurray. Nice one mate! Hows it sounding?

Iv not listened to it yet mate, im saving that for later this evening

Just glad to have it back

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Well if your going to be an absolute cheap skate and only get the Akurate Radikal 2 then make sure you have a right angle socket, otherwise it wont fit on Fraim

Every days a school day


I’m thinking about whether I should get a CD player. One with SACD capability and not outrageous price, but able to compare favourably with ND555. Not too sure what to look at though. What’s the Esoteric model you’re thinking of Dan?

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I’m good with what I have Marantz SA12SE. It’s discontinued now I believe. There is a bunch of us here all got them at half price for £1600.

I use it analogue and into ND555 as DAC.

I know Esoteric make very good CD players. Take a demo.if you can.

Marantz SACD players are very good. Their flagship one now costs £10k. The SA10 out going model may be worth looking at as well. Maybe be one up for half price at £3.5k.

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Why is the SA10 more expensive than the SA12SE, is it the better player? There’s a used SA-11S1 for sale here, but not sure where they all fall within the range.

The SA12SE looks impressive and is still listed on the Marantz web site. It has digital inputs, so could have a Mac optical output connected to it for streaming and then an Uniti Core for local streaming. You could probably even output a Bluray and TV to it? There are probably adapters to connect two digital streams to a single input?

How does the SA12SE hold up against the ND555?

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