Local music

Browsing for upnp servers from the naim app connected to an Atom , I always find the ‘local music’, even if the server mode is disabled. Why?

I think the server mode allows it to see uPnP servers that are “not local” - e.g. on a NAS drive on your network.

I recall also that Naim said it was recommended for best SQ, as thats what they test on

There’s 3 basic directions:

  • A local USB drive plugged in played on the device itself (locally). That will always be possible to browse via the “local servers” and cannot be switched if individually. (What you could do: disable the Servers input as such, if you don’t use it.
    That’s in addition to be able to browse it via the USB input. (Using the file system structure.)
  • Use music from other UPnP servers in your (local) network. This is also always on, and the servers will show in the Servers / UPnP input as well. As separate entries parallel to the local servers.
  • If you have a drive connected, the streamer can also act as a UPnP server to other players on the network. This is, what the Server Mode switch is about.
    (It prevents the device from switching off the main power supply during standby, significantly increasing the power draw in standby (plus/minus some other factors for this. This also happens, when there is no drive attached, and there’s consequently not really anything to serve.)
    (So, if you want the device to always be “warmed up”, you could enable the setting without using it. This mode does not fulfill EU regulations on standby power draw, hence its off by default.)