…isn’t half holding things up
… made me buy a Uniti and that saved me from getting depressed till this very day.
Yes I’ve ordered something but it can’t be delivered until after lockdown!
Intriguing Lindsay!
Apart from not seeing our daughters and cuddling our grandchildren, the main impact here is that either my wife or I have cooked most of what we’ve eaten in the last year and we haven’t been to a concert or a gallery in the last year either.
Well let’s put it this way it will come as a pair!
Is waiting to look for our new home by the coast. Frustratingly, we decided after long thoughts and discussions to plan our final moves at the end of 2019. First move to search and find a place in France near the coast woth a plan of 10 ish years before returning to blighty. I can’t see us starting to even look until 2022. With a diminishing number of years left to us, 2 or 3 year wait seems like our life is on hold. Third world problems I know but once a decision is taken waiting on something out of our control is difficult.
Yeah, my daughter and her partner have been looking to buy a property for 12 months now. They thought they were ready to go last sumner but it fell through as a result of a lot of difficult stuff unearthed by the searches. Now looking at properties although possible is just so restricted.
Puts my issue of a new pair of speakers being delivered into context.
You teaser😉
Think you mean “first world problems”
Indeed. A Biff moment.
With everyone home my listening has gone to nearly zero
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