Looking for advice.....Naim Knowledge

There’s heaps of options out there for you in the Naim range but I’m convinced that there are some sweet spots in the Naim line that offer particularly good value for money. These include most of the Nait integrateds, the chrome bumper 72/140 or 72/250 combination and also some of the olive range such as my 82/HiCap/250 system. You should be able to pick something like that up for under £3000 although it might require servicing which can add to the cost. For that though you’re getting into what used to be the upper reaches of the Naim range and they’re models which remain highly competitive even today. Part of the thrill for me of owning the 82/250 is that they’re at the kind of level that I dreamt of when I was a student, they were completely unaffordable then, but they’re relatively accessible now.

The best thing about Naim though is that no matter what you buy in the amplifier line the factory support is second to none to repair and service it. It has in my view been a key factor in Naim’s success and long may it continue…



Yes, we must all go to Cymbiosis no matter where we live.

Ignore the dozens of other quality Naim dealers spread across the country.

This is more a general gripe than to any specific member.


Give over, I said Cymbiosis or TomTom on the assumption that the OP lives in Hertford.


What’s the big deal about any dealer.
We are a community in a small world and people are known and have reputations.
If that means that one gets more mentions than others then surely that says everything about the quality of service they give.
Castigating one because they are above average just serves as sour grapes about how you are catered for.
I live in Linn’s broom cupboard but Cymbiosis is my dealer of choice because of the superb way he has looked after me for a good number of years now.
Complain about bad service but don’t complain because the recommended dealer serving is not on your radar.
WOW, :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

And my dealer, i don’t think has ever been mentioned on here directly. Yet they claim to be either the oldest or second oldest naim dealer. And likely our leaders closest dealer too.

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A lot of forum members use Cymbiosis, because of the excellent service they provide.

There are many other good dealers, but Cymbiosis do have a very good reputation for Linn and Naim kit.

Well worth the travel.