LP12 shootout at Cymbiosis

No idea actually.

Possibly Vinyl Passion?

In answer to a point much earlier in this thread, surely the collective noun for LP12s is “A bounce”. I’m thinking of Peter Swain’s “Arsenal”. So maybe the answer to the question “When is a Linn not a Linn?” is when you get three Taica B-1s from RS at a tenner each and replace the springs. Yes, the brass bush does blip out, and yes, you must get them right way up - mushrooms to the top. You kindly made me new contributor of the month, but I suspect I get my epaulettes torn off now.

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See these the thread on “Inquisitive” right now.

I don’t know the collective noun for LP12s (could be a nerdery?), but the collective noun for those here (often including me) is probably an argument.

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Just give one a home :heart_eyes:


Pretty sure you’re answering the wrong person now Charlie, nothing that I’ve been talking about.


Surely the collective noun for LP12’s is…Kolective


My apologies Bjorn. I thought I had spotted three silicon gel mushrooms lurking in the undercarriage of your Linn.

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Yes, maybe there is? Not an expert on Linn, I have only posted the pictures taken from LinnArt’s site as I thought they were nice pictures.

Thanks for sending me over to that thread - I agree with much of what you say there. I bought my original LP12 at the beginning of the 80s, just before the Valhalla, which was then added, and I can’t even remember what arm I had before Ittok then Ekos. 32.5/HiCap/250 came shortly afterwards. All I can say is that little has outwardly changed since, but what I hear has changed dramatically. Thank goodness all our ears are different and appreciate different nuances. Imagine what the market would be like if everyone liked the same wine!


This is as far as we got in 2020 . . .then came covid and that was that.
If I did this project today I’d probably aim higher/spend more $$. But in any event I’d have a chat with Peter and take his advice.

Radikal - Black Akurate
PU7 - black
Te Kaitora Rua

I was going to do a Harban plinth directly from him.


The brass bushing gets thrown out, it is incompatible with the LP12.

Ok an update.

On install (as advised) I plugged the Krad2 into the M6 block. I had a feeling that the sound had lost something for all the benefits of the superb new deck. Yesterday I moved the Krad2 into a wall socket shared only with a Farad 3 on a dedicated Radial. The sound benefits were significant for the LP12 and (although I haven’t done any extensive listening to it) it seems the ND555. Have you guys with Radikals found similar results?

Anyway the deck just got even better. Superbly set up by Peter S. Kudos crossover probably around the corner then my system is complete.


That’s quite interesting. My dealer was quite specific in his recommendations to me to keep the LP12 (and my previous Rega Neo PS) on a seperate wall socket to the Naim boxes.


Yes the change is not insignificant Mike.

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Interesting and useful to know and it just shows that once things have settled down, that experimentation is always worthwhile as one can’t always generalise, and you might be able to squeeze more performance out of a system. The M6 is very highly regarded but your experimentation has shown a better way for you and your electrical supply :+1:t2::+1:t2:


It has Peter and you know that I have great respect for your skills but this was a great move sonically and I’ve given it several hours listening. Krad2 into it’s own dedicated radial isn’t available for everyone I know but ……. My system sounds superb now. PS set up LP12 Klimax plus different class IMO.


No, of course everyone will be different and it’s all about experimentation, trying things out within the system and listening once everything has settled down and run in properly. Making one change at a time so you can quantify any change individually is what it’s about, and that’s why I have the number of different LP12s I have, showing a single variable. That way you know how each individual component/upgrade changes/improves the sound reproduction! :blush: I’m so glad you are enjoying playing your LPs now. That is what it’s all about! :slight_smile:


Yes Switch mode power supply’s are not good near a Naim system,it was the same with the CD12.
Is it possible to have one Krad2 for the LP12 and one Krad2 only for the Ulrika ?

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One for Peter Swain to answer Igel