Remember IT numptie!
With the Innuos and Melco servers that don’t have a CD drive how do you rip/store a CD? Can it be be done by a CD drive on a Mac/PC?
Remember IT numptie!
With the Innuos and Melco servers that don’t have a CD drive how do you rip/store a CD? Can it be be done by a CD drive on a Mac/PC?
I don’t have those servers but I assume it would be similar to any storage on your network. You can rip to your Mac or whatever then upload the files to your network. I transfer all my files from my Mac over wifi to my NAS/QNAP. Pretty easy.
I know others have said it isn’t the best way, but I rip using an iMac direct to the Synology NAS. I have never had any issues, all very easy even for a Luddite
Yes is the simple answer Lindsay.
Can’t answer for the Melco but with Innuos you can rip to a desktop and make the desktop folder visible to the Innuos.
The answer is yes. I rip to my PC and put it into a directory structure there. I then run a backup (syncback free in my case) to copy it over the network to my Melco
What do you expect to gain from a Melco or Innuos, over and above the Nas that you currently have?
I rip to my iMac desktop using a Apple super drive and XLD software. Then I simply move the files to my Synology NAS
Idle interest Mr Fish!
I moved from a basic QNAP NAS to a Melco, and, as a server, the Melco wipes the floor SQ wise compared to the QNAP.
Not wading into the circular (and frankly near culture war) discussion of the merits or not of using such devices, and just addressing the specific question, I believe both products have an optional ripping drive that can be connected to them so you can go totally sans PC/Mac.
Which from a functionality perspective alone is a lot more accessible. At a price of course.
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