MacOS Sequoia 15.0 and Keeper

Well, I let my Mac update itself to Sequioja. Looks like I might have to go through a bit of a learning curve (sigh). Anyway, this morning I tried to login to Keeper Password Manager to edit some of the vault entries, and the master password login box wasn’t working, and wouldn’t let me enter my password. Went to the Support page on their website, and after being on hold for nearly 2 hours, I’d had enough. I uninstalled the app, then reinstalled it - now up and working again.

Anyone else had problems with the latest MacOS?

I’m not a MacOS user, but a note those who are and use Asset UPnP;
Yesterday Illustrate released a new Asset R2024-09-18 for macOS only

Thanks. I’ll make a note of that.

Progress - just checked my email, and they’d been sending me emails from support. How am I supposed to guess that when there was no information about it on-screen in Safari? (sigh)

Yet another email from Keeper. Apparently it’s a known problem and they’re “working on it”. Alas, my new download of Keeper is again inaccessible. Just have to wait for an update, I suppose.

I had a problem getting my (4 month old) MacBook Air to update to the new OS. I kept getting a ‘failed to personalise the update’ message and suggest3d I check my internet connection. I did, WiFi was fine. The ever helpful google seemed to suggest that it may be an issue with the existing firmware in my device. Kept trying anyway. Then I booked an appointment to take it to the shop I bought it from so that they could wipe it and reinstall the firmware. Today I tried again and it worked. The only thing I did differently was to switch off my iPhone. It is listed as a ‘hotspot’ for my MacBook but the computer was using my home WiFi rather than ‘hotspotting’. To my surprise, the update worked.
One of the other theories online was that it may be an issue with Apple’s servers. It appears that may have been correct.
I will test the computer over the weekend before cancelling the appointment.

In relation to another thread about iPads and IOS 18. My iPad is 2-3 years old and it took the update with no (apparent) issues. Likewise my iPhone 14 Pro Max.

One of the main reasons I got into Apple devices is that updates are very straightforward. Not always it seems.

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