Marten Speakers

Thanks for the updates, enjoyed reading them and glad you have reached a happy conclusion.

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Hi ryder,
I also own duke2,and i would like to know your experience with luxman.
I tested them yesteday with passlab int60.magnificent.
But,the power was something intriguing me.
We used most of the session 54 volume over the 63 max on the int60 wich gives 77 db at listening position.
I concluded the dukes needs juice.
I heard them with my friend,aries cerat genus,25 watt set class aMazing!!
The pairing is magnificent,but i will do another sessiin to try listening at low level and see…
I m getting a good deal on the int60 but i got recommendation from lars for luxman.
I cant demo the 590 axii,so i m here asking you your general opinion.

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Hi Sakso,
I do not have experience with the Pass Labs INT60, unfortunately. Although I really wanted to try the Int60 with the Marten Duke 2, it appears that the Luxman is fated to be part of my system.

My advice is to go with the Pass Labs since you have personally listened to the combination and found it to be spectacular. It is anyone’s guess whether the Luxman will be better or worse than the Pass Labs unless one has compared both with the Marten. There are other great amps that will be a good match to the Marten as seen here such as Vitus, Sugden Sapphire etc. I’m sure all will sound great with the Dukes, just a matter of preference with small differences in the presentation between these amps. However, I share the same sentiment that the Dukes need a bit of current or power to open up. I tried Sonneteer Orton and it didn’t sound as good as the Luxman. The dynamics are restrained as the overall sound is a bit soft. I think the Sonneteer is underpowered for the Dukes.

If you settle with the Pass Labs Int-60 or any other amp with the Dukes, there will be room for improvement with the small changes you make in the system. It’s a revealing speaker and will reveal any little changes you make in the system. Just yesterday I removed the top piece of the Furutech NCF booster that’s sitting on the IEC plug going into the Luxman and the sound has changed. That another day.

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Thks ryder for the reply.
I will update more here on my journey…

I was curious if you could give a little more detail on the difference between the Oscar Duo’s and the Special 40’s. I have a Special 40’s and think they are wonderful speakers. But, as always, the next upgrade is never too far away and the Oscar Duos came to my attention.
If there is one criticism I would have of the Special 40’s it is in the midrange where for me it lacks ever so slightly. Bass is great as is the treble response - the Dynaudio tweeter is clearly world class.
Do you have any thoughts on the differences between the two speakers?
Also, did you ever get the dedicated stands by chance?

Thank you for the response. The S40’s are undeniably excellent speakers but I think you have hit the nail on the head when you mention the the Oscar Duo’s are more “alive”. That is probably what I am missing with the S40’s - a lack of presence.
I will see if I can find a dealer that can loan me a pair to try against the S40’s albeit with lockdown this might not be straightforward. Outside of the Marten’s I am not sure what else there is in the £4,000 - £5,000 bracket that captures my imagination as much as the Duos.
Do you mind me asking what amplifier you are using with your Martens? I have an Accuphase E-480 which should be more than powerful enough.

Thank you. I’ll get in touch with Nintronics tomorrow and see what they can do.
Despite their seemingly universal praise there is something in the sound of Hegel amps that just doesn’t sit quite right with me.

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I suspect this to be case too. The Marten will excel with delicate and refined sounding amps.

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So, on the verge of ordering a pair of Oscar Duo’s - I am torn between these and a pair of Sonus Faber Nova 1’s. My heart says the Nova’s - head says the Martens. Unfortunately, there are no demo pairs available of either and so I will have to rely on the 14 day distance selling returns rules if they don’t work out. The fact I am trading in my current speakers may complicate matters slightly if this is the case but I will cross that bridge if I come to it.

My only concern with the Marten’s is they may sound a little lightweight. No evidence for this obviously.

Decisions, decisions.

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Certainly a difficult decision. If there is no way to try both speakers in your system to find out which pair will work out better, perhaps go with your heart. As the SF Nova 1 and Oscar Duo have great reviews, I suspect both will have the potential of sounding great with your Accuphase. If it’s still too difficult, perhaps pick the one that looks better to you. :blush:

Good luck.

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You might be onto something with the looks thing!

A £2,000 difference in price is significant too. Will do what I have done for the past few days and read, then re-read all the reviews again :grin:

Duo: Marten Oscar Duo Loudspeakers | REVIEW | Part-Time Audiophile
and just in: Marten Oscar Trio Loudspeaker | REVIEW | Part-Time Audiophile.


Two great reviews - as I am considering the Duo as my next speaker that was the most interesting one for me.

I am still trying to get a good idea of how the Duos actually sound though - I keep reading the word fast, agile etc - does this mean they are bright? I know Ryder here seem to struggle with some slight brightness to the sound of the Dukes that was only, seemingly, tamed by a change of amplifier.

I am waiting for the importer/dealer to have a pair that I can try and then I will find out for myself but I want to ensure a home demo will be worth it.

I have a pair of Dynaudio Special 40’s at the moment that are excellent but they, for me, don’t have that palpable sense of performers in the room that I was hoping something like the Duos would give me.

Thanks for the feedback. They sound almost perfect for me other than the lack of treble smoothness that, as you say, the S40 has. I suspect the best way for me to go would be with the Contour 20i’s. Better bass (maybe not as controlled?) and would, presumably, have a similar smooth high frequency response.

I need to get these and the Duos, as mentioned, at home to hear for myself. Not as easy as it sounds…

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If the Duo’s are anything like the Duke’s, then as far as treble/mids are concerned they will reveal everything, which means they will sound harsh if the feed exhibits those qualities or if any noise is in the chain, as that too will be revealed in all its glory.

On the flip side, give them a high quality source and take care (as we all tend to anyway) with clean power and vibration control and you will be rewarded with speakers that sound wonderfully natural, open and airy. Oh, the bass isn’t too bad either…

Well worth a listen for anyone in the market at this price point.


Review by Pursuit a perfect system: Big Bass Dynamics Marten Oscar Duo HiFi Speakers REVIEW - YouTube

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The Parker Quintet looks very interesting…Has anyone heard these ?

Glad to be of help; I listened to tracks from Paul McGowan’s The Audiophile’s Guide reference disc to fine tune the positioning of my speakers. Definitely paid off in finding their sweet spot in the room. Adding Gaia’s into the equation for a tighter base was also a no brainer. What kind of speaker cables do you use?

just curious but any interest in the Dynaudio heritage special, they seem to compare favourably with the contour 20


It is possible I have some interest in the Heritage Special :grin:

Heritage 1 by Rob Moores, on Flickr