MC (or MM) cartridge recommendations

Hi Jonathan,
and thanks for the nice reply. I have read your review of the Celebration II for Hi-Fi News only a few days ago and was wondering if you had second thoughts about your conclusions. Judging from your post, that’s obviously not the case.
As much as I like my current cartridge and phono stage, they aren’t the best solution. The low output of the cartridge and limited gain available from the phono stage taken together are softening both micro- and macro dynamics.
That’s why I’m considering a good step-up transformer, the relatively inexpensive Sony HA-T 10 sounds quite nice, or a cartridge with a higher output. The latter being the Celebration, if you hadn’t already guessed that.

Hi Mulberry, good to hear from you and I absolutely stand by my review - an outstanding cartridge and an excellent choice particularly if you seek a MC with slightly higher than usual output levels…


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