Meridian 210

Hi @bailyhill

I would be keen to hear about your experience with the 251. I still haven’t got my head around the Merdian way, but they certainly have some interesting multi room type products.

A great pity indeed – in the past, threads that weren’t “viable” in Pink Fish because of self-proclaimed scientists with dogmas rather than ears did rather well here. Some interesting discussions I followed and enjoyed to learn more. But these days might be gone…

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Hi @bailyhill, this should be interesting. It isn’t the functionality that I needed but I will look forward to your opinion.

The self isolation didn’t help. Some members are drinking late in the night and enjoy provocating others, just by pleasure to be nasty.
I read sometimes Audiophile Style forum and there are more people wanting to share their experiences than showing their science with arrogance.
Maybe after the isolation a thread on switches will open again, but I will not take the risk to open one. Some are waiting for me in the corner. :rofl:

Hi FR,

There are just people out there who having stated their opinion have the need to repeat it ad nausium, and with added vitriol. Personally I am baffled by this approach.

On some fora the OP is allowed to manage the content of the thread, I think this is a good approach. I do appreciate not for a company forum such as this.


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Repeating at nauseam, it’s absolutely that! And some since many years.
At nauseam? Or nausuim? Which is correct?

Funnily they often appeal to science, without repeating your experiment. Frankly it is more akin to religious belief.

Yes, a scientific will test first and then apply the theories he knows to explain or develop a new theory.
Not say “ it should not be that because my theory says that” for an unknown situation.

Yeah, be careful @frenchrooster, Coq au Vin is popular dish in many countries, not just in France… :rofl:


I should have changed my avatar to Frenchy Frog. Not tasty for all the cooked frogs.

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Yup, that’s me.

Yes, but you don’t search problems with others when drinking…You peacefully listen to Paul Bley…

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Flac vs Wav, and USB Shinanigans

I have been doing a tech refresh and as part of this I have been looking at my storage. I then realised I hadn’t done any flac vs wav experiment with the 210.

I created a test directory and put a series of files therein in flac and wav, I then copied it onto a USB stick.

Historically my results have been, with HiFi endpoints:

Naim NS01 - Very definitely preferred WAV.
Linn Klimax - File agnostic.

I think there is an uptick in favour of wav.

I then connected the USB stick to the USB port on the back of the 210. Kazoo immediately saw the the upnp server. I think this was marginally better again …so:

I hopped into the roof and got a USB HUB I have which is populated with 500GB USB sticks with my wav files thereon.

On plugging this into the 210 the upnp server reported one directory, which wouldn’t enumerate.

I tried attaching on 500GB USB direct to the port, again wouldn’t enumerate the contents.

I can’t say I am surprised, but I will have a chat with Meridian.

I do have a LPSU to power the USB hub, and it may be that just giving it some extra juice may assist it. If that works then I will also use a power blocker to stop the Hub pulling power from the 210.


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