MFSL Cutting and Referencing with Naim

I thought this was so cool. I picked up this MFSL Little Feat album in Vegas at a record store this past May. It was in mint condition from 1978. This was inside and still in immaculate condition. Check out the preamps and amps used for MFSL’s cutting and referencing. Anyone know what Naim crossover they would have used? Also wonder if I should fill out their mailer and send it back?!


NAXO 3-6 with 3x NAP 250 driving Linn Isobarik’s.


Great album - I bet that sounded fantastic on their Tri-amped Isobarik system :sunglasses:


Wow! I bought a few MFSL in the early '80s but was not aware they used a Linn Naim system. Of course the x over had to be a Naxo 3-6

Yeah, I missed the parenthesis there where they mentioned their speakers on a tri amp. I’m sure that was sublime listening!

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The original MFSL company filed for bankruptcy in the late 90s. Its assets were acquired by Music Direct (Chicago, IL).
Due to their misleading marketing literature about their current source tapes/cutting chain of some of their vinyl, there was a class action suit that has resulted in the penalty of $25m! They now disclose the digital step where it exists in the process.


Yes, MoFi has been cutting from DSD files for over a decade now, never disclosed it, and continued their marketing as if it was all analog like the past. They got busted for their deception and deserve their pain over it. I think their One-Step releases are overboard and overpriced anyway.

The class-action made it very painful for people with digital MoFi albums to make a claim so I never bothered.

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