Mini-Review: Cisco Catalyst 2960 vs EtherREGEN vs EE8 Switches

I use an Uptone JS-2 Dual Output, choke filtered linear power supply to power my EE plus my Roon Nucleus. The JS-2 came with a first class power cable and I purchased a second one from Uptone.
I bought an EE because it’s backed by one of my favorite companies (Chord) and by my long time Naim dealer.
I’ve owned a variety of switches, some costing as much as twice what the EE cost and I prefer the EE.
I’m not up to describing why, certainly not as elegantly as the OP has. Suffice to say that I prefer listening to my system with the EE in it.
I use Nordost Haimdall 2 Ethernet cables connecting the router, ND555, NAS and Roon Nucleus together to the EE.

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That explains why their ER white paper sounds kind of unscientific, snake oil paper, full of strange words like current leakages, etc. but who cares, as long as they have some solid followers.

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Indeed, the EtherRegen’s white paper simply isn’t one.
It looks a bit funny if you ask me…

They probably lost quite a few customers with that.

This so called white paper was a thing, among a few others, that retain me from trying the ER in the first place.

The whole project: the board, the white paper, the information provided by UpTone, etc. The whole thing looks like UpTone is a group of friends tinkering some audio stuff.

But, I tried and bought the ER.
It happens it actually makes a difference, for better.

And I’ll keep it until something with a better design shows up.

The better design could even be… another UpTone product! :smiley:


“current leakqge” and “leakage current” seem perfectly acceptable concepts and terms. Just take a look at e.g. the Fluke website.

I really can’t see why you find it acceptable to go for a personal hatchet job. If you’ve tried one and don’t like it, fair enough. And vice versa. That can be useful for people to know and encourage or disencourage a purchase. But these mini-diatribes just make for a nastier world and serve no purpose. And this is not personal. The same thing goes for Quinn’s post and Thomas’s, the latter at least referencing his positive use of the product.


But…but…it is rumoured none of them have even been to University!

Are you mad?

I have it on very good authority that one of them attended their local community college and almost attained a City & Guilds in Electrical Stuff. Good enough for me.

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Concepts and terms, yes. How are they applicable to switches?

Current leaking where? In the ethernet cable??

I’m afraid I’m not playing these games - and games they are unless you are someone like Simon in S who actually knows anything about this stuff. I don’t. I just find the ad hominen invective unpleasant and unhelpful.

But like Thomas I have found that the ER makes a positive difference in my system, so it stays in. Just like the Naim gear does and without making any claims about the semiconductor or circuit design or whether Julian studied electronic engineering at Oxbridge or whatever…


I don’t know which ad-hominem invective you mean, I wrote none. (And I don’t care if they went to Uni or which one). And I have also no idea if these things are applicable to switches, they might be or they might not. However, the mere usage of terms that are in use in some fields does not make them correct or applicable - in fact, using such terms in a manner that is disconnected from their established usage is a common tactic of all kinds of fake science products*. Hence my question if these terms and concepts do make sense in the context of switches.

* Such as “magnetic field mattresses” and similar products preying on consumers who do not have the means to dissect these claims

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If it is true they have not been to University, then they’ve done a pretty good job.
Good enough for me too.

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Did I miss where the OP blind tested the choices? Also which Cisco? No POE?

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[quote=“Thomas, post:44, topic:14644, full:true”]

Umm, isn’t that pretty much the basis of the entire cottage/boutique audiophile industry, including the company who’s forum we are currently on?


No blind test. Just a switch in-and-out of the units, nothing more.
Catalyst 2960. It’s in the title.
No POE. I wanted to subjectively compare like-for-like. The EE8 has nonesuch capabilities.

In case your post wasn’t intended to be unnecessarily confrontational and you really want the low-down, it was just a friendly audio experiment for my own curiosity and for the benefit of others sitting on the fence between these switches. It’s up to the reader to take from it whatever they wish. Discredit me. I couldn’t care less. Agree with me. Great, glad it’s doing something for you, too. It does nothing? Not surprised. Most every tweak I’ve ever tried did absolutely nothing for me, either.

Not many choices in which to come to a conclusion. See how easy that is?


Not really.

Perhaps a quick look at Steve Sells’s LinkedIn ?
Or simply Naim’s LinkedIn stats?

Same thing for Focal, dCS, Soulution, etc… the guys behind the designs are… well, they are engineers and certainly went to University.

As always, the threads relative to ethernet cables , switches, when we are in the audiophile or boutique area, the discussions become quickly unpleasant.
It’s always the same.


Yes, but isn’t John Swenson who is behind the designs at Sonore and Uptone an engineer (no idea about his educational pedigree)? I don’t take much stock in this school thing - I’ve seen plenty of craftsman of all types with no schooling go on to create great products and companies. Brain surgery? Sure, I’ll take somebody who has good schooling. HiFi? I’m not so sussed…


Not trying to be confrontational but the type of Cisco you’re using in the comparison matters. They do differ, at least in my experience in my system, esp POE which is using two Ciscos. It seems you’ve gone to some lengths to compare your devices I just wondered why you wouldn’t do a blind test which is more revealing than an exercise that invites confirmation bias. Thanks for your feedback nonetheless.


Completely get it. I just don’t have a willing participant to aid me in my audio-foolery at the moment. Kids are too young or uninterested in placating a crazy dad, and friends during these times aren’t real willing in coming over to partake, least of all, in something like this for obvious reasons.

Again, I have to admit I just don’t understand the confirmation bias thing. It’s said ad nauseum in these threads, to which I cannot see how they apply, speaking for myself only. If I felt even the least bit amount invested in keeping a product for any number of reasons (cost comes to the forefront), then maybe. I’ve said it tons of times here that I go into these things expecting nothing because in the past, nothing has come to fruition like the brand or like-minded people has claimed. I don’t go in with any expectation other than to send it back or move it on. I’m pessimistic by nature, and what’s worse I typically don’t get that fired-up by a piece of audio equipment. Some have made marvelous improvements within the context of fidelity in my system and room, but audio is a hobby for me; music-listening is an escape for a few hours a week. That’s really all I can ascribe to. I’m more invested in family, coaching, some of my work and trying to someday get published, which is a years-long undertaking.
Anyway, confirmation bias says to me I have an expectation that this is going to work as described and even surpass it, and consciously or unconsciously I’ll find a way to make that happen. I had such expectations when I was first getting into audio well over 25 years ago, but not now, not by a longshot. The only expectation for me, possibly, is to be disappointed.


Confirmation bias is a human thing, we all have it. Blind tests attempt to remove that bias. My gf is not too interested in my testing either but I can set up my devices and explain to her what I’m trying to accomplish and which cables to switch and she’s able to complete the tasks so I can accomplish my goal of finding the device I actually prefer from my listening instead of the device I think I should like. No biggie, as long as you’re happy with your purchase.

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I’m not sure that posting my experiences is worth doing. All my streaming updates have been blind tested by family and friends (before Covid, since then just my wife and cat), and I write as honestly as I can. And no, I can’t explain in technical terms why our ears hear the results.

But you can bet the house on the usual suspects with variations on the theme: where’s the scientific proof, or you can’t actually have heard that, or my four Forum influencers haven’t given me the nod, and most importantly haven’t tried to hear the kit and have no intention of doing so.

All in the name of “debate”.