Missing channel

I have a new to me NSC 222. Bought used online from a reputable dealer. Emails have been exchanged, hoping someone here has a quicker answer.
I’m missing the left channel.
It’s not the CD/DAC, it’s not the NAP 300 amp, it’s not the cables. I swapped the 222 for a NAC 202 and everything worked. In NAIM style are there any “tricks” worth trying? The one channel does sound good but I prefer two. I haven’t noticed any mention of a balance control in any paperwork.

I believe there is a balance control in the Naim app. Look in the settings area.

Thanks for your help.
I did not see that before for some reason.
That wasn’t the remedy.
I’m getting worried now.

Have you tried a factory reset?

Yes, that was the first thing I tried.

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Are you using din or rca output? Try the other one.
It’s possibly a broken output relay which can only be confirmed and remedied by Naim.

The relay configuration is different in the NC range. The reed relays earth the relevant signal channel rather than switch between intputs. So a relay failure shouldn’t have any gross effect. It would just leave both inputs enabled on the affected channel.

Still worth switching inputs as you suggest of course.

I really appreciate you all being so helpful.
So I drug out my old ( chrome bumper) NAP 250. Used the NAIM XLR to Legacy cable adapter and now I have two channels. I don’t get it. Every time I add a new Naim component there seems to be issues. Of course the common denominator seems to be me but, I don’t get it.
I wish it did not sound so good.

The NSC222, when used without the NPX ps, has two link plugs.
There have been the odd issue with IIUC a small batch of these plugs.
I had an issue and my dealer obtained a replacement.
Can’t suggest it is the issue in your case, but something to be aware.


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