MOFI - Dire Straits - Brothers in Arms - Gets Stuck

Is your TT a suspended deck as I am wondering if this is the problem.

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You need 2g of tracking force. Itā€™s easy enough to balance the arm with zero force and zero bias. Then add 2g of force and bias and see how you go.

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Mine is not, itā€™s on top of 5th level of Fraim.

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Sorry my bad, I meant is your TT a suspended setup like the LP12 is or solid like a Rega?

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oh sorry, yes actually itā€™s a suspended setup (I think :thinking:). the deck is an AudioNote TT2. The platter is on spring, a quite sensitive one at that. I tried once to put a record weight and the platter sank by almost half an inch so I decided against using a record weight like I usually do on my Technics SL1200 at my second system. The spring on AN TT2 is pretty sensitive that a little on nudge to the fraim may cause the play skip.

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That sounds similar to the LP12 which has springs so if your TT can play BiA without issue so should the LP12.

Thanks for the reply.

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Not necessarily true.

My LP12 might play it OK - but your LP12 may not.

Please get your LP12 checked, by a good Linn dealer.

Posting Here Will Not Fix It.


it could be some vibrations or movement on the surface of your TT caused it. Mine played well (despite my TT being the same setup as your LP12 as you said) because nothing happened on it that cause vibration/movement while playing the record.

I think you may want to consider @frenchrooster ā€™s input to rearrange the placement of your speaker a bit further from the deck (if possible). My Sopra2 is actually only two feet away from the deck, but those are standing on concrete floor that conduct very little vibration (and covered by a thick rug too).

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Iā€™m not posting here to discuss fixing my LP12, I posted here on the music room forum to see if anyone has had a similar issue to me with MOFIā€™s release of Dire Straits Brothers in Arm, which gets stuck on Walk of Life and only Walk of Life.

Suggestions have been proffered as to what might be the issue and Iā€™ll happily follow that through.

If you have read the thread you would notice that I already had mentioned getting my Linn retailer to look at the TT when he is at my house tomorrow.

However, my gut feeling is that the problem may lie with MOFIā€™s pressing of the LP, this has been mentioned on Discogs but not for the serial numbers that I have, I do not believe that it is an issue with the LP12.

If it was me id avoid playing anything until the mis-tracking[1] issue is resolved.

[1] mis-tracking damages vinyl

Discussions with my dealer will take place tomorrow re the LP12 and its location, the speakers (Kudos Super 20aā€™s) are on blocks of granite to provide stability and minimise any vibrations.

I am very very hesitant over wall mounted TTā€™s as I really donā€™t want to start bolting things to walls, this is my lounge not a dedicated music room.

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Fair comment Iā€™ll stream music this evening

On Steve Hoffman discussions, one guy had the same issue on Walk of Life. MOFI 45 pm.

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From Discogs;

Some copies of this record, notably in the serial number range 11,000 and the serial range number 14,500 (there may be others), have a manufacturing aberration in track B1 ā€œWalk Of Lifeā€. On this particular lacquer and resultant stampers at one point the extreme bass proved difficult to track on some, but not most, turntables. New stampers were subsequently made. Mobile Fidelity acknowledged the problem and by August 2019 was providing replacement disks only via the original vendors or directly to the original purchaser who bought from Mobile Fidelity or Music Direct. The exact number of delivered replacements is unknown. The faulty platters were to be returned to MoFi and destroyed. The limited time for exchanges/returns has a yet-to-be-determined expiration date.


Interesting, not seen anything other than the comment on Discogs

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My copies are both above 25000, so maybe the stampers have been reused.

Iā€™ll be interested to see what the seller of the LPā€™s has to say, once they have had chance to review the issue.

So that was indeed a pressing issue. Perhaps mine is just one of the lucky few that got away.

It does state " some, but not most, turntables " so who knows?

With my Linn dealer on site today we tried to establish why the stylus gets stuck on Walk of Life, we managed to spot lines on both versions of the LP that did not match the grooves of the record, both LPā€™s got stuck at exactly the same place in the marks.

The supplier has been contacted and advised of our findings and asked for a resolution.