Morrissey and Marr to tour as the Smiths?

I know John Bonham’s sister, maybe I’d get a ticket.

Timing’s everything I’d suggest?

Apologies. Totally off topic but… in halls of residence in Leeds back on the 1980s I found myself talking music with one Debbie Bonham in a queue for tea. The context being a discussion about the rehearsal room/cupboard my band shared with the Sisters Of Mercy and which she didn’t know existed under the dining room of our halls of residence. Never found any evidence subsequently that it was her. Always been intrigued as to why anyone would pretend to be her. Would love to know if it was actually her.

Tetley ?

No, Tetley was exclusively female when I was in Leeds albeit that male intrusions were frequent and under cover. I was in Bodington in Seton. Eldritch was in Hay. Bonham was in…? Dunno if she moved home or left uni. or was a figment of someone’s imagination.

then you woke up

Tetley fully mixed by 1985.

In Simon Price’s Guardian article on Oasis, he mentions the late Neil Kulkarni, who wrote a scathing piece on the band a couple of years ago. Much of the framework of Simon’s article is based on Neil’s criticism of Oasis. Still, Neil’s take is even more brutal and has a better overall argument regarding the music of Oasis.

Earlier this year, Simon wrote a tearful tribute to his late friend in The Quietus following Neil’s sudden passing. It’s also worth checking out Neil’s list of music he enjoyed in 2023 on his site, which is full of undiscovered gems. The discovery of Big Blood’s track 1000 times is my most played song of the last 12 months.

Yes but I was in Leeds 82 to 85 and am talking first term of 82 when I had this weird conversation with someone who may or may not have been Debbie Bonham.

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I very briefly worked with Neil so I’m full familiar with his work and tastes. Unique human being.

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I Googled Neil Kulkarni + Oasis and found his Substack article about Oasis. Price’s article is meek and mild in comparison.

An enjoyable read, by a clearly by critic who did not like Oasis. His album review of a Kula Shaker album that I came across is equally frank an spot on.