Multiroom question

So after the release of the Atom HE I am seriously considering this as an option for my home office room.

Currently have a Star downstairs and was wondering about using multiroom to be able to listen to vinyl playing via the Star through headphones on the Atom HE.

I have searched the forum but cannot find and answer so sorry if it has been answered already elsewhere but my question is this:

Would there be a way to keep the Star from playing through speakers in this case? So vinyl running though the Star at zero volume and then playing through headphones on the Atom HE?

With Multiroom you can just mute the sound on the Star and have it playing to multiroom ‘client’ devices such as the Atom.

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Ah brilliant thanks, was wondering if that would work but as I only have the Star now I could not test it and confirm. That is a perfect solution.

Multiroom can transmit analog signal from a turntable?

Unitis digitize all inputs

I would test that, because:
My older NDX-FM digitizes analogue FM before it leaves the NDX and reaches my Naim DAC, but that digital FM program cannot stream to my Qute2 or MuSo Qb2, the way the iRadio, Spotify, etc. can.

Maybe the new generation do more/better distributing digitally.



And you can mute the master.


The current Unitis put any analogue input through ADC so that it can be multiroomed.

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The older Unitis can only multiroom streaming inputs - not the FM/DAB or digital inputs.

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