Music, Hi fi and companion animals

The cat looking a bit miffed when I sold the LP12. I’m sure she wasn’t bothered about the music, but she liked to go to sleep on it (with the lid closed!)
It’s a testament to the quality of the suspension on the LP12 that she could could jump onto it from the floor, and the stylus would never jump out of the groove.


Six cats over the years, three still going strong, all were/are “indoors cats”.

The Siamese, Sasha & Sukie were never any trouble apart from sitting
on the various speakers…which is interesting when you have Briks. Yes, you can fit two cats on a Brik!

However, when we come to the Burmese…(often described on kitty forums (fora?) as “Vandal Cats”, “Great Escapologists”, “The Cats who like to Party”)… it’s a different story.

  1. When the Briks system was in the lounge, (chocolate tortie) Suzy Wong’s (that’s her on the left) party piece was to jump from the fish tank onto the curtain rail, walk along the rail with a smug “look at me” expression and jump down onto the LH Brik. We made top covers for the Briks!

  2. Our (red) “special needs cat” Zebedee used to pee around the house. In my time I have “de-peed” several 13A mains sockets, the CD drawer of a Karik, the side/fronts of several Linn & Naim boxes and a complete stack of Meridian 200 series…yes, the ones with all those tiny buttons, some of which are still a bit sticky - restoration job is down on the list for my retirement!

  3. The front sloping face of SBLs is ideal for cats to run up…

  4. Always keep a lid on your turntable…especially if it’s (a) suspended subchassis, and (b) on a rack next to SBLs.


Gertie our cat loves to sleep when music is playing through the main system, but the radio alarm clock drives her wild :rofl:

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The alarm drives my crazy too.

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I let a woman move in with me.

She scratched everything she touched with her claws and was offended when I asked her to chop them off. She also bumped into my speakers weekly with the vacuum cleaner devaluing them greatly. She also demanded that I not spend time listening to my music and instead spend all my spare time making sure she was wined, dined, and taken places. She also harassed me into spending large amounts of money for her enrichment which left little money left over for new gear or upgrades. She often remarked that audio gear was a waste of money and I should sell it all so I could spend my money on other things. Translated from woman speak into English: Sell my gear so I could spend more money on making her happy.

Somehow I repeated my stupidity 4 more times allowing other animals , I mean women, to move in with me to indulge their quest to become the ultimate money vacuum.

Please learn from my unmitigated stupidity and do not allow this kind of animal in your house. A dog would be a safer bet since they can be trained, won’t complain, and seldom do they spend all your money.

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Perhaps we need a new thread to relate the impact the opposite sex has had on this audio hobby

Do Dust Bunnies count ??..


I thought it was just our bunny shedding during the molting season…:+1:

Have you been talking to my wife, that tumble weed is her bugbear. She sweeps that up once a day, the dog and I hide. Safer that way.

Archie, having a nap while I listen


Oops - just realised that is the wrong room! Try this one


My cat really liked the nd5


Not my cat but he comes to visit me frequently and a very sweet natured little chap he is too but he does prefer quiet over music and he also has taken a liking to the listening chair.
Photos show the watching sofa…

I think he felt cold that day…


This is Jett and Juno, they are rescue cats. We think they came from a musical house because when I (am allowed to) sit here, that have an arm each.


Ike in the foreground. Billy Joel in the background.


Blimey! What’s the arsenal in aid of?

And which one’s called Billy Joel?

No furballs from fish, sometimes they will formation swim to the bass of what ever is playing.


Mu-So cat bench


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