Muso qb 1st Generation in a farm house far far away

The Muso is sounding mighty fine in my farm house in a village outside Harare in Zimbabwe! I guess the fact that i have mu own solar electricity is helping – dunno. Everyone who has heard it is extremely impressed. Not connected to internet – using usb sticks that i brought along – router provides lan functionality for iPad to control the unit.



Sweet rig, cool idea for transportable system! We ran a MuSo this way at a party evening in the event room at my parents’ condo … works great.

You might want to try putting one of your USB sticks in the TP router and enabling UPnP: it probably has at least a basic server and thus you could have some of your music searchable by metadata from there, and some more searchable by file tree from the MuSo input.

Good luck in Zimbabwe!

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