Muso qb2 - prospective purchase, but

I have two Mu-so Qb 2nd generation. I love them! Awesome sound. They do everything so right :notes::100:

What kind of rooms do you use? Furnishings?

I have one in a ordinary living room and the other one in a small bed room. I think the one in the living room filled up the room with music very good. As I earlier wrote I love the Mu-so:s. My best investment in hi-fi together with my Rega Planar 1 ( turntable)

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Well, QB2 arrived yesterday… Nice. Using mainly as chromecast endpoint with Lyrion Music Server

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You might want to experiment with the UPnP/DLNA plug-in created by the same person who created the ChromeCast Plug-in. I recall some posts in this forum to the effect that ChromeCast places an extra processing burden on a Naim player.

Having said that, I have to admit I use the ChromeCast plug-in, because I also have some ChromeCast audio pucks in my system.

Thanks. I’ve tested the upnpbridge which works fine except for one very specific instance.
LMS has a very neat plugin which allows you to play Youtube videos (sound only!). For some unknown reason, this works with chromecast endpoints but fails with the upnp endpoint.

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