My speaker journey

Yes, that is a possibility, too: all l three other speakers may have suppressed that part of the spectrum relative to the Fyne - but the fact that the OP found the Fyne verging on fatiguing compared to the others suggests that it was the one with something out of balance, and she didn’t think it was top end sometimes associated with being fatiguing.


I’ll say to you what I said to @sihctr , try some PMC twenty5.21i. They are terrific speakers and cost £2,800 with their stands. Your room isn’t small and I think some of the LS3/5a sized sealed speakers might struggle. They are certainly far more successful in my room than the ProAc Tablette 10 Signatures that preceded them and can give a scale and bass depth that the 10’s cannot. They are very well built, can go close to the wall and have nifty channels in the stands to hide the cables. They handle all sorts of music really well.


I’ve got the proac demo set for next week after that I’ll see where I am and decide if I want to consider further alternatives neats offerings are definitely interesting and I may have to try the pmc. Also I just realised this is one of the few places I use my shorter handle that doesn’t make obvious I’m female lol

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The Tablette 10s are lovely speakers but I do think they will be too small for your room, especially as it’s quite a bit bigger than mine, which is 15’ by 12’ with the speakers on the long wall.

Going back to your original post, you certainly don’t want speakers that are exciting all the time. You want speakers that portray music as it is, exciting music as exciting, sad music as sad and so on.

The PMCs were a real surprise to me and in my room are just so much better. Unlike many speakers they have a single pair of terminals, so avoiding the whole annoying jumper lead angst that can come up with biwire terminals.

If you like the ProAc sound, the larger D2R or D20R are possibly a better bet than the Tablettes.


Your gender is immaterial to choice of speaker! Ditto generally in the forum (other than someone getting the right personal pronoun when referring to you -and I’ve just realised I failed to use my more normal neutral approach of s/he when a member’s gender is unknown, so I will correct that!). I get impression that for whatever reason your gender is in a minority on the forum, so always nice to learn there are more of you behind the anonymity of avatars and forum names!


I’ve taken to using they, it’s far easier.

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There’s no easy way of saying this but I suspect your source is at my level of amplification, not yours.

This doesn’t stop me wishing you good luck in sorting out the system to your satisfaction. I can’t help wondering how you might feel about the Focal Aria 906s with a NDX2 (or better) at the front end. Could you swing it for your dealer to bring one round?


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My plan is to add a dac either ndac or qutest probably to take my source up but I’m waiting for an ndac to be traded in at my dealers so I have the option of trying before I decide which sound I prefer. I’m hoping the 300 series arrival in september might lead to a trade in.

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In which case I would add anything from ATC’s domestic range to your short list. I find them incredibly neutral and uncoloured.

If you are in the UK, they are available from Audio-T among others.

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I have the Fyne Audio 500SP and don’t find them fatiguing at all. I’m definitely glad I auditioned them (and subsequently purchased). These have also proven to be great for dialogue in tv and movies.

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A better model than Focal might be a good choice.You would have an improved family soun. Valid alternatives may be naim n-Sat, or JMR Bliss (various versions). Happy listening

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I completely understand what you are talking about when you say that some speakers sound more exciting. As well as what others have said, I also think there might be an element of sensitivity/cone material involved. More sensitive speakers with a lighter cone material can react faster. This doesn’t necessarily result in a more fatiguing sound though.

Those speakers that don’t sound as exciting to you may also come to life with more powerful amplification.

Don’t forget that when you are comparing a group of speakers you are also listening to the different aspects such as sensitivity, cone material, impedance profile etc. Hence why it’s important to use your own gear if possible. The results might be different with different equipment.

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‘‘Unlike many speakers they have a single pair of terminals, so avoiding the whole annoying jumper lead angst that can come up with biwire terminals.’’
I wish speaker companies would stop with this biwire marketing nonsense on stand mount models. Save the consumer a few bucks and provide theoretically better sound by doing away with added junk hardware OR invest the savings in better binding posts, internal wiring, etc


I totally agree. That said, I once asked ProAc why they put double posts on the Tablette 10. They said that biwiring is really popular in markets such as Japan, where people want high quality small speakers because they live in small houses. On the other hand, when I asked the PMC rep about them, some years ago when I had the original twenty.23, he said they were fitted because they were fashionable. Luckily they were dropped for the twenty5 series.

I’d lean towards what the PMC guy said. I want high quality small speakers as well but have tried bi-wiring in the past on Proac Studio 118s and found no benefit at all, just more wire clutter and expenses.

Given the amount of money you spent on your Naim set I was surprised about your short list for the speakers. I own the Harbeth PS3 myself and I am very happy with them. But I think saving for the 7 or the 5 is worth the wait given the quality of your Naim set. When you talk fatiguing overtime in my experience the Proacs have a greater chance to do this than Fyne Audio.

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I’m certainly considering asking the dealer if its worth hearing c7’s in his opinion (he saw my room and what I did/didn’t like about the other speakers). I was asked to pick 3 speakers to listen to on the day so I decided to go with 3 different brands and I wanted to hear a sealed cabinet speaker as I wasn’t sure how my room would handle rear ports. If I were going to ask him to come back on another trip I’d want to be 100% sure it would end in a sale. So I want to hear the ProAc’s first then I’ll see where I am.

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A welcome to another member of the lesser female population on the forum.
At least you need have no doubt that this forum is respectful to it’s female members; there are a few of us and we’re not always that obvious!

Choosing speakers is always a challenge: that’s a significant part of the reason I upgraded my Spendors rather than changing them!


It’s because we are all music lovers! And doesn’t matter if you are male or female we all are about the music and the enjoyment it brings to our lives!
Everyone is welcome and we love to hear about the journey we are all taking to find the best possible music reproduction we can afford.
I know not everyone has the same budget or resources. But it’s all about getting the best we can for any given situation.
Thanks for including us in your journey!!

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I have a very similar system connected to a pair of acoustic energy 509s, outstanding! I trialled most of the speakers on your list and the ae509s were in a different league. So may be worth thinking of for a home audition?

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