As per title - I am just curious to know what type of music is preferably played on n-Sats.
As per title - I am just curious to know what type of music is preferably played on n-Sats.
Grateful Dead - with a sub woofer to bring out Phil Lesh’s bass!
Usually pop wave and trip hop, also 70s, some Prog.
I’m curious to know if anyone plays classical on Sats. Jazz, Steely Dan, good pop are excellent on them but symphonic sucks - not because of lack of bass, but of the Sats’ own voice that doesn’t lend itself to nuances and emotional finesses. Or is it a thing with Naim in general?
Opinions awaited for.
I haven’t heard n-Sats, but I don’t think they’d be alone in being suited only to a limited range of music. Any speaker that people say makes music exciting rings alarm bells for me -it is the music that is supposed to be exciting as recorded, and if something isn’t interesting there is plenty more to choose from!
All sorts, including classical. But I use them in my bedroom so not particularly for critical listening.
I can understand this well. Yet, there are CDs that sound simply wonderful on Sats, such as this
They seem to just add a touch of liveliness and ambience that suits Takemitsu’s music to perfection. Perhaps the solution is simply to avoid complex symphonic music at home. Or, as Stephen Stills sang a long time ago, if you can’t be with the one you love, love the one you’re with.
I don’t have the gene for uncritical listening… Unfortunately. After 2 x SBL, 2 x S-400, Ariva, Credo, Allae, IBL, 7 x n-Sats (either owned or demoed here), plus various experiments with Harbeth, PMC, Rega, AR, Klipsch (2 x Heresy III), Dynaudio… Sats are still here and resist critical listening. Only, I sometimes question them then go back to them.
Opinions still welcome.
IBLs are quite more refined as you are well aware Max
currently running kruder and Dorfmeister through n-Sat (while I am building Bricks)
I haven’t heard n-Sats but I have Arivas, their relatives which I used for several years. I thought they sounded great with everything I listened to. Curiosity got the better of me though and I felt I had to try SBLs. They have replaced the Arivas now. Music through the SBLs has a “texture” which brings some music to life. I think I listened to more classical music when I used the Arivas. I wouldn’t be too unhappy if I had to use them again.
Yes … SBLs … like. Magic wand ! They are so good
I’m sure you did. I too had Arivas for some time and although I found them a bit unbalanced towards the bass (I suspect that a previous owner had tweaked the crossover) I’ve always thought they were the most correct speakers I’d heard from Naim, as far as the timbre of musical instruments was concerned. I’d love to try them once more, with an untouched X-over.
When I owned Sats, I was happy with them on all music genres. And they were even better when I wired them in phase after about the first seven months or so!! But then again, Max, I do have the gene for uncritical listening!
Hope it works out for you speaker-wise in the end.
Its been years since my last pair, but I’d expect chamber music and voices would be fine - that is if you like nSats presentation.
Must say I have zero such problems with anything music through my S400 Ovators, they handle symphony, Opera, Chamber music, rock, jazz, Beatles - anything in fact.
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