Nac 122/Nac 155 upgrade with Hicap dr

Good Morning!
I am currently setting up a second naim system in my home office room. I already have a nap150, hicap dr, and want to buy a used nac 122 or 152.
Do you know if they both can be updgraded with my hicap dr ?
What would be your recommandation SQ wise?
Thank you

Yes, you can use a HICAP with either, although a Flatcap was the more usual partner. They’re both very good little pre-amps but as you have a HICAP DR have you considered a NAC202 instead? That’s where I would go here.

Of course, it does beg the question of what source you will be using with them?

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Thanks Richard and good questions indeed.
I already own a NC222/250 in my living room which I enjoy a lot.
This second system is for fun only and to enjoy when living room is occupied by my lovely wife watching tv :slight_smile:

I do not want to invest much but will look at the 202 indeed.
My sources are my Naim ND5XS2, and a Rotel
CD991. Amp is my NAP150.

just had a quick look, Nac202 is not in the same price range and 2xmore than a 122x. And I only have a Nap150. So I guess the 112 or 152 are good options, isn’t it? or you still believe nac202 would bring more despite being limited by my nap150?

I’ve run a NAP150 with a NAC552 and it was fantastic, which underlines the importance of the pre-amp in the hierarchy.

It’s a second system so either a NAC122x or NAC152xs will be just fine. I would probably avoid a NAC112x though, unless you specifically need its unique CI integration capability.


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