I changed my network devices recently so I guessed my NAC 272 had an issue with the new setup.
Everything was connected and worked fine, but my 272 suddenly stopped playing internet radio. It just stopped a couple of days ago. Seems to be connected- it can recognise other Naim devices on the network, so it is connected just won’t play internet radio.
I did a full reset and still get the same result: under the station name is just says connecting…
He can’t as he has a 272, which is the old vtuner platform, currently out. We are all hoping for an announcement of some kind on Monday from naim. Hopefully the long awaited firmware update will be out soon.
Thanks for your answer. I saved the presets directly on the 272- not using vtuner.
What is really strange is I just tried to play internet radio on my NDS and get the same result,
but in my little bedroom system with a Uniti Qute internet radio is working fine…
I will be reminding Naim too if necessary, as I have two SuperUnitis currently! And a Unitilite (my first ever Naim purchase) that I will fire up to test the firmware upgrade if nothing else.
Arrived home Friday night and updated. Now listening to radio from Valencia to Johannesburg and then Switzerland, on a rainy Saturday morning in Milan.
The SuperUniti sounding better than ever, the update was easy, it is amazing Naim can keep a box from 2011 current and relevant.
Late production and subsequently serviced units had to use a different display component as the original one was not available. That component displays everything backwards, but the issue is handled in the firmware and so it correct once the firmware is installed.