Nac 282 + D power amp

Hi all,
did anybody try to put a D power amp under a nac 282 or other naim pre?
just to try to see what could be the result of managing a 1000+1000 watt
there’s a number of possibility with quite limited cost, e.g. icepower.
If anybody did, any combination you found working better than others?

What do you mean by a D power amp? Do you mean one running in Class D? There appears to be a lot of prejudice against Class D on this forum, seemingly either with no real basis or based on past experience with some amp(s) or other. Given that a number of well respected hifi manufacturers, now including Naim, do use class D amps. it may be that things have improved, though I’m sure a there will he a huge variation depending on how well implemented, and how good the power supply, whilst even amongst good ones one might expect differences in sound .to some degree.

You mention 1000w, but not whether that is continuous (rms) or peak, nor the impedance at which that is specified, nor how power output varies with impedance, and of course power output is only one parameter in amp specification. Aside from power, suitability for any particular speakers and with any particular preamp will, amongst other things, depend on the power amp’s gain.

N.B . According to your profile you don’t seem to have any speakers, nor any power amp at present.


I have tried some 600W@4ohms Emotiva monoblock monsters at the end of my former 272. It sounded very energized compared to the 250DR but crap overall. I also had a pair of Cyrus Mono X300 Signature monoblocks, driven by the same 272. Way, way better but still sounding a bit off and disjointed.

Naim amps and preamps are really a single entity, connected by wires and expecting certain voltages and behavior from the connected box.

Putting away the topic of class D for a moment, what specific problem are you trying to solve?


Is high power proportional with high performance ?
I believe this is what the average man on the street believe.
There’s no free lunch.

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Thanks for your reply, I did not update my profile since long. I have nap 250 dr and pmc twenty5 26. Really I enjoy the sound, but just willing to try high energy and see how a good preamp like 282 handle this power

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No specific problem, I enjoy my 250 dr and think drives well my pmc, just would like to try something different keeping naim approach

Thanks, this is an interesting tryal

I’m not sure if you’ve considered the various points I made? It would be interesting to know what specific amp you have seen that cdd catches your interest. Would you be assembling yourself from available amp modules, including power supply, heatsinks, case etc., or have you found a complete plug-and-play unit?

I’m still not sure what the objective is. The 250 will drive the PMC 26s very well. It has massive current reserves.

Monoblocks or a NAP500 might be interesting. I’d not concern myself with the amplification type except avoiding class A… mainly because of the electricity bill. I’d just go for an amp that worked well with the speakers and Naim preamps. Maybe a Bryston if you want to move away from Naim?

This all seems like a good question for your local dealers. I wouldn’t lead with “I want a class D amp” though. I’d lead with, “I want an amp upgrade” and just see where it takes you.

I did and I think you made interesting considerations. I mean a d class amp like icepower , I would buy it already done knowing it will not be hi-fi in full, but interesting to see how different it is . As you say there are many prejudice, but this technology is improving and getting more popular. I was wandering if anyone tried it among naim owners to take benefit from their experience

It seems your right in its getting more popular.
I wonder why ?
Is it because of specs ?
People often buy based on specs.

I have yet to experience “Technology is improving” - maybe internet hype ?

From the Naim Nova PE details

Thanks to Naim’s cutting-edge class D amplification technology, this Power Edition is the most efficient streaming product to date.

That’s was quiet a change for Naim

As I understand Naim use Eigentakt Class D amplication boards, which is used by other Brands as well.
Thats pretty much not a new application.

I don’t think Naim have been quiet about the changes from Nova to Nova PE, as they created campaigns - Nova PE combined with Focal loudspeakers.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Naim release more Class D products in future.
The BOM and cost must be entirely different.

sorry, “quiet” should read quite. Not sure if that is typo, or correction, but it happens a lot with me :flushed:

Well it was for Naim when they introduced it earlier this year in a proper hifi product (as opposed to boomboxes and car sound systems).And I haven’t yet read anything negative about it from anyone who has trued it - though plenty from people resistant to the very idea.

I bet it still hums like a hornet!

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Naim use Pruifi designed circuits rather than boards and implent those circuits directly on the main PCB of the Nova PE rather than buy them premade.

They’ve done class D for over 20 years in various products.

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Well they already used class D amps in the Musos. I’ve no idea what you mean by “boomboxes” …


Muso! Albeit glorified. (Certainly not hifi to me)