NAC 332 v 552 - any direct comparison?

That’s all good. And I take it on board.

It is not an an absolute. It is what Naim say. Not what I say.

So not “know that”. But Naim say 500 series is better than everything else apart from Statement as per Jason Gould.

Apologies for offence caused.


I would like to hear the bass on this track through this system, and the train klaxon. Must be something.

How about your new speakers to try, Steinheim ?

“Know that” is just like saying “be informed”.

The 300 series being better than 500 has become a futile argument as “different” can be dressed up as better in a hobby with such subjective judgments. Are Linn streamers and amps better than Naim? In the Linn world yes.

However more “Naim” sound the 300 clearly hasn’t got if the guys at HQ don’t believe that and wishing won’t make it so.

Happy Listening.


If you want to believe that the NC 300 series is better than the 500 series then that’s your call. Every dealer , Naim themselves and members here that have lots of experience state otherwise.

The notion that 500 owners are “spouting off” is a little disingenuous. I don’t think we have axes to grind and suspect most of us will look forward to the NC 552 when it arrives

I get some may prefer the sonic signature of the NC v OC v Olive but the 552 subjective or not remains Naim’s best preamp (Statement aside)

I will add nothing else as the thread is repeating itself.


It seems pretty straightforward. 222 replaces 272. NSS333 replaces NDX2. 332 replaces 282. 332 + PS replaces 252. Synergy between all classic or all NC matters.


Mike don’t try and bring common sense into it you’ll spoil the thread. :grin:

(Think you’re right).


This is rather amusing or not !

From the European Journal of Social Theory Issue 1 Vol 1 1998

“(The)…theoretical implications of Freud’s notion of `the narcissism of minor differences’ - the idea that it is precisely the minor differences between people who are otherwise alike that form the basis of feelings of strangeness and hostility between them. A comparative survey shows that minor differences underlie a wide range of conflicts: from relatively benign forms of campanilismo to bloody civil wars.”

In my experience we are very much in this territory. The fact I have also gone active muddies the waters, but I think @Keltik makes a fair observation, based on what I’m hearing.



Didn’t realise it was a klaxon but whatever it was, I jumped up in Naim’s comfy sofa !

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First, it’s important to recognize that simple logic suggests the NAC 332 is a replacement for the 300 series, right?

Even if it were positioned as a successor to the NAC 552, how can we be sure it will be more musical? Technically, it may be better, but what about its musicality?

For example, you can find a more 3D-sounding amp like D’Agostino - would anyone here consider it a replacement for the NAP 500 (musicality)? Definitely not.

Similarly, while dCS might offer a cleaner, more detailed sound, can we say it’s more musical than the ND555? Again, no.

Focal sets the standard, and Naim makes adjustments, but that doesn’t necessarily mean those adjustments are improvements.

The NAC 552 and NAP 500 have built a solid reputation over many years, establishing themselves as benchmarks. This longstanding legacy is a testament to their exceptional performance and musicality.

P.S. I wouldn’t take advice from someone who has sold all their Naim equipment and moved to other companies’ products too seriously.


Having compared them in the same dealer demo twice, I beg to differ when comparing Rossini (pre Apex) and clock vs. ND555 at comparable budget. The DCS combo was more detailed and music really came alive. Music sounded safe and a bit shut in on the ND555 to these cloth ears. Each to our own.

Best regards, BF

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A train klaxon by Hugh voice.

Thanks for this. I’ve not heared a 333/332 but one day may move that way with an additional PS. I’ve concentrated on optimising my 222/250, first by adding the 300PS, which made a huge difference, than by adding Vertere Redline cables, which were an even bigger difference. The difference was in all the usual areas, coherence, transients, sound floor, staging. My primary source is my Vertere TT (DG1) and Phono1. It sounds superb through the NC.

I’ve owned a 252/SCDR/300 in the past and the NC series even at my level is much better for me in staging, soundfloor and control of bass. I would hope that 20years of development would offer SQ improvements! It’s a great time for Naim owners to have the choices with NC or used 500 at similar price points.


If the NC really was superior to the 500 then Naim and their dealers be shouting it from the roof tops, as it would surely surpass anything else at its price point today.

To suggest they would go so far as to mislead customers in the hope of selling a few more 500’s is bonkers. The sales volume and profit potential on a 500 beating NC 300 would far exceed what diminishing potential is left on the 500’s.


That all makes sense. There looks to be a tentative consensus that 332 is better than 282/HC and 332/300PS is better than 252/SCDR. 222/300 beating 252/SCDR is a bit more of a surprise, though they are certainly different, but you are not the only one to have found this.

The consensus also seems to be that 300DR is just better than NC250, but NC250 is materially better (esp on bass grip and fine detail) than non-DR 300 power amp or 250DR.

As already been said, if you think that then you are really kidding yourself.
dCS is and has been for a very long time amongst the very few top digital sources you can buy. The nd555 doesn’t really even play on the same pitch, maybe the next generation can get closer?

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Really? So you would rather take advice from someone that hasn’t then, someone that has actually had the gear, lived with it for years, tried different stuff, has real life experience with it all ?
But you would rather not listen to that and just go with whatever i guess. Makes perfect sense.


Which, to be fair, and like all else here, is just your opinion. Of course, there are others would beg to differ, including those who get to hear pretty much everything. But again, that’s just their opinion too…


Well that’s all it ever is, unless you put to the side all the reviews on the dCS dac’s by the so called experts.
We all know dCS’s excellent track record and world leaders in digital design and technology, after all they designed most off the stuff that used today by other’s.

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