NAC 332 v 552 - any direct comparison?

We did a test at Naim factory. There was a DCS dac to compare with Nac 552.
Each person had a remote. The first person who could reach 10 volume had won.
The 552 was better : 10 o’clock in 1,6 seconds. The DCS: 1,79.

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No, its in front

What’s it going to take for you to be happy? Do numerous people have to get on this forum and concede that the 300 series is absolute junk before you can sleep well at night? It seems that the current 500 owners are more bent out of shape than anyone who owns the 300 series. He simply stated the 300 series may be scratching at the heels of the 500 series. He didn’t state it was better or make any judgement at all.

Then you have Dan stating “Jason said the 300DR is better than the NC250” in an effort to prove his price hierarchy theory while ignoring the age of the old products. This is right after Richard stated Jason said the NC250 and 300DR are very close and it would come down to personal preference as to which one someone chooses. This disproves the price hierarchy narrative completely, because the NC250 is priced close to $5k less than what the 300DR was. That’s absolute proof that you are getting more for your money now. This type of word twisting and ignorance of the facts to fit a narrative is what most people have a problem with.

I can only imagine what’s going to happen when the new 500 series arrives. The same 500 owners are going to downplay it more than anyone else as being only different and not better.

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Point taken, but the 250DR got the same improvements and the NC250 clearly beats it.

Indeed, again such is progress, and the NAP350 improves on the NAP300, but until there’s a New Classic update on the NAP500, it remains top of the tree, barring the Statement amps. As I said above, the 500 series is special.


Do you own/have you owned Naim kit and if so what is it ? You haven’t got your system details in your profile.

You have a lot to say without showing what you own.

Apologies if you’ve listed it elsewhere but I’ve missed it.

When my dealer installed the 332/NC300 in place of the 552, it took me all of 1 minute to hear the superior bass definition of the NC even though the new units had not warmed up. This was playing Handcream for a Generation by Cornershop. This is evident on other bass heavy tracks. For the rest of the frequency range I guess it will a matter of taste/system matching.

He has 222/250. Profile activity.

Slightly incorrect. I had the 222/250 for a year. I have the 332/250 now.

I personally have not made a statement that 332 is better than 552. I’m just pointing out the other side of the coin that many want to ignore.

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With what source ? Have you personally listened to a 500 series system for any length of time ?

And this is a very important advantage where the 500 seem rather “heavy”
Guess its a matter of personal taste.

I think most will prefer a more articulate bass.

Oh come on, the monoblocs blow away our 300DR. “Improves on” a slight understatement.

Drago out!

nope :grin:, I’m going to save money so that I can have both legacy 500s and the New 500s side by side at home and actively posting on this kind of comparison thread in the future :face_with_hand_over_mouth::crazy_face:

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Indeed it was a step too far…having 2 young children I assumed I would get less listening time (I was right!) but I soon moved back up to separates.

The point I was making that even stepping down in quality it was my first classic box and it looked much more modern and appealing than my old olive boxes.

Overtime I found that the OC provided a more “mature” and consistent sound compared to my olive set up.

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No downplaying here. I like the new 200 series and 300 series. I’ve stated before that I’m sure the new 500 series will trump the OC 500 series which is what I have. From my brief listening tests the 300 series is not better imo than the current 500 series. Simples.

The point that I am beating to death is even if many or even all of the Naim users preferred the new 300 series and regard it to be the summit of Naim why does that suddenly make the old 500 series bad? I’m tired of reading posts to the effect of it’s very old tech, so is the 52/135 and that is a thoroughly entertaining piece of kit.


It doesn’t. Maybe its really this… :thinking: :crazy_face:

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Interesting ,then active Nap 350’s would give a passive Nap 500 a hard time…

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My comment on the post was because “improves upon” is doing a lot of heavy listing,

The NC250 improves upon the OC250DR, agreed.

But the 350s are in an absolute different class to the 300DR!

Hearing an active four or six pack, would probably leave one open jawed.