NAC 332 v 552 - any direct comparison?

That was a statement from -89, so no,and Super lumina are probably not made to make the
Chrome bumper or Olive series to sound the best.

SL was more extended up top (smoother treble) with more control in the bass. The midrange was more neutral but lacked the body that I’m accustomed to. The SL was also quieter sounding than the NAC A5. overall the Naim house sound was still evident but a little more refined.

However I noticed more dynamic bite from NAC A5. Other than the mid bass bump the treble also still has a crazy bite to it. Saxophones for instance sound superb with A5 in my system. Something none of the other cables could achieve. I know that the a5 doesn’t provide a perfectly linear frequency response but it’s more suitable in my system. I’m convinced my source components play a huge role here. In the same way that Harbeths have an open midrange, SW1X gear has so much atmospheric information, what can otherwise be described as air.