NAC 332 v 552 - any direct comparison?

Thanks: that’s very clear.

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I paid £11k for 552DR 2017, immaculate. Also got trade in for 52 for £2250.

My 552DR is like new. The 52 was great as well.

My 500DR is much older but was fully upgraded and DRd including new head unit. Was a bargain at £6k.

I have listened to 332 with 300NPX. It is totally different. I would say very clean and detailed.

I have gone down the full 500 system route. For me buying used it represents value for money for top of the range product bar Statement amps.

The 300 NC range represents greater ease of use, reduced electricity costs, ease of cabling and uniform power supplies.

The 500 system requires more attention to detail with cabling and keeping it powered up all the time for best sound quality.

The 350s are lighter than the 500 head unit.

Servicing 500 series units is very expensive as well.

It depends what you are after.

For me I love the sound of the 500 system and it was ambition to attain a full 500DR set up.


But when others sell their 500… good … grab it, if you like. It is worth a listen. And this is coming from me, who gets very psycho when it comes to changes in my system.


It’s all about synergy…
Former system
52/sc/135/SBL and phonosophie p3 with prefix an supercap Olive was a dream combination
So is
Nd555 2x555ps/552dr/500dr into 606. phonosophie also good here but 90s system was a better match.

Full nc300 will also have a perfect match !


I agree with you about the system synergy aspect.

At the end of last year, I was looking for an MC phono stage and listened to a few initially I went for a Rega Aria, mainly because I didn’t think I would get value for money for going for the Aura, but then I listened to and NVC and NPX TT into my 222 and suddenly I was hearing a phono stage that I thought was worth the money and this was down to system synergy I believe. The downside is that this purchase led to my recent purchase of a 333/332 and another NPX300 (all ex dem so at a good price). The upside is that I now have a fabulous system that does everything I want extremely well and allows me to have it all on one full-sized and one half-sized rack. Having the NVC into the 332 further brought out all the good aspects that convinced me to invest in my final phono stage. The whole of the NC range of products works extremely well together, I have heard the 222/300 into 350s and understand why some choose this route, but I have gone the opposite way, keeping my NC250 and upgrading the source and preamp which gives a sound that is more pleasing to my ear. And that is surely what it is all about, getting the system that is right for you.


The buy new options are

  1. 552/500
  2. 332/300/350s.

99% of people are going to end up with option 2.

For people like us with OC stack the prospect of an upgrade to 552 is still very interesting. We heard the 552 and loved it with 300DR.

I would guess very very few people are nowadays going into naim dealers and hearing 552s.

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Buying brand new 552 and 500DR makes no sense when 1 year old used examples are available at 60% of full price.

A one year old 500DR can be purchased for £16k or less.

The 500 series used represents value for money.


Absolutely and for OC lovers like us the prospect of picking up ND555/552 for a song does appeal.

332/300/350 is awesome, nobody with that stack should be worried about OC.

500DR seems a step too far for us, both based on height (awkward to rack) and how awesome a pair of £9K used 350s would be.

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I don’t know about that @IainO. The 500DR is a mind blowing amp.

Going from 135s to 500DR it was a huge WOW moment!

It powers my speakers effortlessly and has same sound signature as rest of my 500 series kit.

I bought my 500DR for £6000 so for me no way is 2 x 350s going to be worth doing.

Anyway, I have gone full 500 series so I am done.

If you have changed to NC then go down that route. 2 x 350s are not better than 500DR IMO.

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We will be unlikely to move to NC as £14k for 333/300 was uninspiring.

That cash would be most of an ND555 and an amp upgrade.

If the 500 was two normal height boxes it would be a foregone conclusion.

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I have heard full 300 series and full 500 series and they are both different. Difficult to compare as the sound signature is different. NC clearer, more neutral. 500 series more textured, layered, deeper bass, but not as clean in sound.

Both are brilliant and I have gone full throttle down 500 route so I am no doubt biased.

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The 500 head unit is a beast tbf. It’s not something you want to move around.

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That’s the point of this thread I think.

552 or 332 is an easy choice.

If you’ve got existing OC kit 552 is possibly a great upgrade.

Otherwise walk into dealer, buy 332/300, and go home happy.


The volume control on 552 isn’t very good. Maybe another consideration.

It is more jittery than 52 I had before. Not a clean transition on remote for me. Lots have commented on it.


And the answer could be that simple. Even more so if you buy 552 second hand.


So maybe a 552 and 2 x 350s.for you Iain?

I would suspect very few 552s are shipping at £27k.

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No, even my dealer admitted that. They are always looking for decent s/h 500 series gear.


I had option of 2023 552 for £16k. Good price.

I chose 2017 for £11k.

I would not buy new anyhow. It is like buying new car. You loose alot of money as soon as you buy it.

I believe the 552DR is better than 332 300. Different but better.

Maybe if you go for 2 x 350s there will be better synergy with 332 300.