NAC 332 vs 282 and 252?

Still missing the point, you have just spent a fortune by most people’s standards on new hi if and are claiming it is better than anything Naim have produced in the last 20 years at the classic level

I corrected your account of the events. And now you’re making claims I have not. I am only making comments about components I have direct experience with.

Me too but your assertion that the 222 is better than the 252 with sc dr is demonstrably not true. As far as I can tell only 2 people on the whole forum have suggested this, you and a dealer.

You may prefer the sound, and I can see why, I like it too but on all of the things people look for in hifi, soundstage, detail, dynamics etc the 252 is clearly superior.

But whatever, I am delighted you are happy, I just wish you would try a little less harder to convince the rest of us that you are happy with your choice


Here’s the thing, you’re not in the position to say what is true and not true beyond your own experience. Every comment here is an opinion. There are no universal truths. I prefer the NC sound signature to the OC and I’ve laid that out. I’m not the one who needs convincing and I quite confident in my preferences, unlike some. Which is fine, lots of history here with diverging opinions on SQ preferences.

Why don’t you two meet up for a game of conkers or arm wrestling. This endless bickering is becoming rather tedious.


Are you a moderator now HH?

But agreed I am out of this particular chat

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Looking forward to the release of the New New Classic (NCC) boxes!

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You missed a question mark after “wrestling”. I knew you’d want to know.


I believe that said dealer might only have 222’s to sell, and no 252’s. Not that it would be a factor of course……

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Breaking my own rule here about getting involved in debates I have no direct experience of. I just want to come out in “defence” of @ElMarko here.

They are not selling NC kit, they have listened to a variety of choices, and are simply repeating that for them the NC 200 series suits very nicely indeed. Within the context of a thread on high end OC kit vs the 300 series NC kit, I think that’s fair enough isn’t it?

Anyway, no desire to fan flames. For me I think it’s clarifying slightly what the NC kit seems to be about, a shift in sound that needs a listen in comparison to OC kit, and preferably without preconceived ideas about relative hierarchy.


And I standby by my view. NSC 222/NPX 300 is mighty :muscle:

You’re good :grinning:

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I have no problem with your opinion👍

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