I am inclined to agree with you…I remember the Nait 2 on demo donkeys years ago… it was a funky little chap…with the right speakers it was so communicative. Naim have learnt more since then…so the N50 should have more detail and refinement…hopefully without losing the funk factor… I totally get simplicity and joy of having such a delight of a mini amp…I am tempted myself. I would imagine get the right speakers for it and bingo…bliss.
Yes, and with higher end sources, it really is delightful, not perfect, but very very enjoyable and insightful of one’s recordings.
A system that never ceases to occasionally grab your attention, has you looking across to your speakers grinning at what you are experiencing, or even hairs raising on the back of your neck… has got to be a good system in my books.
Absolutely…when I visited Naim back in 2019 I was asked about future product development…I replied I would like see the return of…the Nait 1 … and bingo here we are…glad you love it…
For a time I had the NAP500DR driving QUAD 57 ESLs. It was lovely.
I also have a pair of ProAc Tablette Reference 8 Signature and the better the chain is in front of it the better they sound. They are truly a marvel.
My primary are ProAc K-6 Signatures. They are also fantastic.
Chris West rebuilt my NAIT2 to his Ultimate level a couple years back. It is excellent, I had it into the ProAc Tablette Signature 8 Reference and QUAD 57 ESLs. Very nice.
I heard the Nait 2 on Ruark Sabres…I think…but the combo was super funky…so I can imagine…the Tablet … being a match made in heaven…
I had a years-long problem driving me crazy after having Chris W. upgrade my 300 to DR several years ago. Chris insisted it wasn’t the 300DR upgrade and that the upgrade actually was surfacing a problem elsewhere in the system. So one by one I had him check/upgrade my SCaps (2) & 555PS (1)-- a years-long process. After it all, I still heard the problem (and upper-mid hash that made listening just not enjoyable) so was becoming more frustrated with my Naim gear. Finally–the only thing left to check (excluding cables/SNAICS/Burndys which I also checked) was my 252. Chris checked it out and found several problems with my 252–which I had recapped years before by the then-Naim U.S. importer. Turns out they did an inferior upgrade. Got it back from Chris–and it sounded wonderful! I learned the hard way that finding the right person to service your Naim gear is really important!
Great speakers were Sabres. They were essentially a development of the Diesis Solitaire, a speaker for which I have a great fondness and which I use partnered with a NAIT.
I used a 252dr with a 300dr for several years about three years ago I had the chance to purchase my local dealers 12 month old 552 ex demo as it was just after lock down it had hardly any hours on it but out of the box it was superb.
I’ll never knock the 252 in the right system it is a stunning pre amp especially when set up correctly however in my system and room the 552 is simply stunning, expensive but worth it.
Some here, 252/300 dr was superb and well balanced but the 552 was a an obvious improvement
Same here, although with the caveat that I changed from a newer 252DR (c2018) to an older 552DR (c2014) so the difference not vast but it was obvious
Thing about a 552 and even 500 is that they can sound edgy when not properly warmed up and run in. I’ve also noted previously that glass plinths suit Naims edge of seat sound presentation but if you find it too much you can always change the plinths or place wooden feet under the Naim components and suddenly the presentation sounds a little less edgy and more organised.
I’ve done this very effectively with my 500 series. To the point where the gap between the 552 and my tube pre is almost indistinguishable. Having said that my tube pre still sounds cleaner, lower noise floor and richer but the 552 wins on drama, attack and bass power.
I dread the day when he retires
To all my apologies for momentarily changing the subject but I have a question, I just upgraded from an old 282 to a used 2018 552 and the first think I noticed was when turning the volume pod all the way down I still hear music bleeding through and was wondering if this was normal ? Can it be corrected ? Or is this something that needs service attention ? Thanks
I have some of that on mine too. It’s so eager on get going
Unless you think it’s loud, it doesn’t need attention at this time – use of the ‘Mute Button’ should stop it. Some Naim volume controls do this.
My 552 does the same. When I turn up the volume just a little bit the balance is incorrect and when I turn up a little bit more everything works perfect. So the volume control does not work correctly at very low volumes - but who needs very low volumes to listen to music!
I think the original idea was that naim would internally grade the pots. Best for 552, the 252 etc.
My 282 was excellent and i could only hear a difference at a level that id never use.
My 252 on the other hand is not great.
Me too. At just off no volume I get the right channel start before the left channel does but as you turn it up they begin to even out. Part of the issue with the high quality volume and balance pots apparently.
my 252 was off on balance, 282 was spot on, 552dr spot on but when the volume is set to the lowest, you can hear some bleed. I think it’s normal. I mute the pre when not in use